Issue 51


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Welcome to issue 51 of our journal!

After decades of being little more than an exotic location for overseas filmmakers and production companies, Australia was shocked in 1971 with the release of two films that would forever change all notions...

Feature Articles

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A Buñuel Scrapbook: The Last Script: Remembering Luis Buñuel (1) and Calanda: 40 Years Later

Designed as a loosely chronological “scrapbook” marking the 25th anniversary of Luis Buñuel’s death in Mexico City, El Último guión: Buñuel en la memoria is a chat between Juan Luis Buñuel and Jean-Claude Carrière about the great director’s life and work. Linda C. Ehrlich finds it a fascinating and accurate portrait of a man of vision.
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Love and Social Marginality in Samson and Delilah

Warwick Thornton’s Samson and Delilah has captured the world’s imagination in a way no Aboriginal film has done before. After a century of white filmmakers controlling (often by default) the cinematic presentation of Aboriginal culture, Therese Davis wonders whether Samson and Delilah marks the start of a new era.
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The Trauma Film and British Romantic Cinema 1940-1960

Trauma has long played a key role in cinema. John Orr argues that “What is out there as waking nightmare in a dangerous world is often a mirror of what is hidden in here, in the human heart.” In Orr’s provocative analysis, the spectre of key British filmmaker Michael Powell inevitably emerges.
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Wake in Fright: An Interview with Ted Kotcheff

Kotcheff’s Wake in Fright may have run for more than a year in one Parisian cinema, but its blunt examination of lonely men in a harsh and alien landscape left many Australians of the time feeling perplexed. On the occasion of its sparkling re-release, Raffaele Caputo talks with Kotcheff, who eruditely and humorously throws new light on this Antipodean classic.

Festival Reports

Great Directors

Book Reviews

CTEQ Annotations on Film

Special Dossiers

John Flaus Dossier

Spotlight on Viviane Vagh

MIFF Premiere Fund/Post-Punk Dossier

Towards an Ecology of Cinema

DVD Reviews