Live and Lethargic: The Original Kings of Comedy Bill Craske April 2001 Current Releases (Spike Lee, 2000) Spike Lee has never been a lyrical filmmaker. His best work (Jungle Fever , Do the Right Thing ) contains the vibrant rough-hewn energy of an angry young artist working close to familia...
When Bodies Collide: Rosetta Rhys Graham April 2001 Current Releases Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne's Rosetta (1999) begins with a violent, visually fracturing scene that launches the viewer into a cinematic experience as raw and beautiful as it is brutal. In a frenzy of handh...
Shadow of the Vampire Michael Koller April 2001 Current Releases A frequently mentioned subtext in vampire movies is that of the vampire as homosexual. Occasionally the theme is covert as in the many adaptations of Sheridan Le Fanu's lesbian vampire story Carmilla includ...
Amores Perros Maria San Filippo April 2001 Current Releases (Love's A Bitch, Alejandro González Iñárritu, 2000) From its gripping opening sequence, a frenetic car chase through an apocalyptic Mexico City, to its final image of man and dog setting off into a vast ...
Rod Lurie’s The Contender Mark Freeman April 2001 Current Releases Rod Lurie began his career as a writer on film for various publications in the U.S., but as with so many before him, he had an idea for a script, the desire to direct, and the image of Joan Allen as the lea...
I Don’t Think We’re in Dallas Anymore or The 5000 Fingers of Dr T Adrian Danks April 2001 Current Releases At the outset, it is probably most useful to place Dr T and the Women (Robert Altman, 2000) within a couple of frameworks. First, it represents Robert Altman's latest excursion into the panoramic form, a fr...
The Girl Next Door Gaby Bila-Gunther April 2001 Current Releases (Christine Fugate, 1999) SYNPOSIS: From the girl next door to a porn star; during a two year period we watch the transformation of Stacy Baker, the blonde plain housewife from Oklahoma, to Stacy Valentin...