Introduction: This is what defined cinema in the 2010s Mark Freeman and César Albarrán-Torres October 2019 This is what defined cinema in the 2010s It would be preposterous to claim that this dossier encapsulates the totality of the stylistic trends, industry moves and authorial voices that dictated the pace of cinema during the past ten years. We have gat...
The Graduate (Mike Nichols, 1967) Mark Freeman March 2017 Love Letters: 1967 The year 1967 was significant in cinema history, and if you’re trying to make sense of why, you don’t have to look much further than Mike Nichols’ The Graduate. It is a film which appears at a great turning poi...
Chocolate Box to Cracker Bag: The 2003 St Kilda Film Festival Mark Freeman July 2003 Festival Reports It was a neat piece of synchronicity which gave the opening of the annual St Kilda Film Festival added excitement. Programmed as part of the opening night selection at the festival, Glendyn Ivin's Cracker B...
Caught in the Web: Ray Lawrence’s Lantana Mark Freeman September 2001 Contemporary Australian Film Sifting through its multiple narratives, Freeman glowingly reports on this performance-driven Australian film.
The Empty Façade: The Monkey’s Mask Mark Freeman June 2001 Essays/on/Films Samantha Lang's new film The Monkey's Mask (2001) opens with an extreme close up on the freckled face of investigator Jill Fitzpatrick (Susie Porter). The position of the camera cuts her in half - we see on...
Rod Lurie’s The Contender Mark Freeman April 2001 Current Releases Rod Lurie began his career as a writer on film for various publications in the U.S., but as with so many before him, he had an idea for a script, the desire to direct, and the image of Joan Allen as the lea...
Harry (He is Here to Help) Mark Freeman February 2001 Current Releases It's touted as a smash-hit thriller, a film of Hitchcockian suspense. To be truthful, it's only moderately successful on both counts. Yet Dominik Moll's Harry (He Is Here To Help) (2000) is still an engagin...
Packaging Australia: Working Dog’s The Dish Mark Freeman February 2001 Contemporary Australian Film An intriguing consideration of strategies taken by the internationally-premiered The Dish to present 'Australia'.
Charlie’s Angels Mark Freeman December 2000 Current Releases It's a fair bet that everyone has a friend or relative like this: the funny, endearing, goofy one that always seems somehow out of step with everyone else. They dress wrong, find themselves in impossibly ab...
Snatch Mark Freeman November 2000 Current Releases (Guy Ritchie, 2000) In the wake of Tarantino's Pulp Fiction (1994), a spate of films have aimed to replicate its jazzy, frantic style, its knowing self-referentiality with their own representations of un...
Apache Mark Freeman September 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film Apache (USA 1954) Dir. Robert Aldrich, Dist: United Artists, Production Company: Linden Productions for Hecht Lancaster, Producer: Harold Hecht, Screenplay: James R. Webb, based on the novel Bronco Apach...
Rules of Engagement Mark Freeman September 2000 Current Releases (William Friedkin, 2000) If mainstream American cinema acts as any guide, the US clearly harbours a great admiration for all things military. Somewhere buried in the psychology of this nation lies a stro...
Act of Violence Mark Freeman July 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film Act of Violence (1949 USA 82 mins) Source: CAC Prod Co: MGM Prod: William H. Wright Dir: Fred Zinnemann Scr: Robert L. Richards from an unpublished story by Collier Young Phot: Robert Surtees Ed: Conrad A. N...
Kitano’s Hana-bi and the Spatial Traditions of Yasujiro Ozu Mark Freeman June 2000 Asian Cinema Takeshi Kitano's use of space and time in this gangster pic is influenced by the family dramas of Ozu.