Winchester ’73 Jonathan Dawson May 2013 CTEQ Annotations on Film By 1950 television as the prevailing mass medium had come to stay in American cultural and social life, as well as colonising the Yankee imagination and the movie business overall. Even the once indestructible ...
The Passenger Jonathan Dawson March 2012 CTEQ Annotations on Film “We know that under the image revealed there is another which is truer to reality and under this image still another and yet again still another under this last one, right down to the true image of that reality...
A Tribute to Sarah Watt Jonathan Dawson December 2011 Feature Articles The director of Look Both Ways and My Year Without Sex passed away earlier this year. Jonathan Dawson pays homage to a distinctive talent.
The Wages of Fear Jonathan Dawson November 2011 CTEQ Annotations on Film “You don’t know what fear is. But you’ll see. It’s catching. It’s catching like smallpox. And once you get it, it’s for life.” - Dick in Le Salaire de la peur (The Wages of Fear) The Wages of Fear is a 19...
Stavisky… Jonathan Dawson March 2011 CTEQ Annotations on Film Alain Resnais was a contemporary of the nouvelle vague, that group of largely Cahiers du Cinéma aligned critics-turned-filmmakers that most famously included Jean-Luc Godard and François Truffaut. Resnais, on...
After Hours Jonathan Dawson April 2010 CTEQ Annotations on Film Paul Hackett (Griffin Dunne): “What do you want from me? I’m just a word processor!” Street Pickup (Robert Plunket): “Why don’t you just go home?” Paul Hackett: “Pal, I’ve been asking myself that all night....
The Back of Beyond Jonathan Dawson March 2009 CTEQ Annotations on Film The Back of Beyond (1954 Australia 66 mins) Prod Co: Shell Film Unit Prod, Dir, Ed: John Heyer Scr: John Heyer, Janet Heyer, Roland Robinson Voiceover Scr: Douglas Stewart, John Heyer Phot: Ross Wood Mus...
Mississippi Mermaid Jonathan Dawson April 2008 CTEQ Annotations on Film La Sirène du Mississippi/Mississippi Mermaid (1969 France 123 mins) Prod Co: Les Films du Carrosse/Les Productions Artistes Associés/Lopert Pictures Corporation/Produzzioni Associate Delphos Prod: Marcel...
I Vitelloni Jonathan Dawson August 2007 CTEQ Annotations on Film I Vitelloni (1953 Italy 103 mins) Prod Co: Peg-Film, Roma/Cité Films Dir: Federico Fellini Scr: Federico Fellini, Tullio Pinelli, Ennio Flaiano Phot: Otello Martell Ed: Rolando Benedetti Prod Des: Mario ...
Three Colours: Red Jonathan Dawson February 2007 CTEQ Annotations on Film Rouge/Red/Trois couleurs: rouge/Three Colours: Red (1994 Poland/France/Switzerland 99 mins) Prod Co: CAB Productions/Canal+/France 3 Cinéma/MK2 Productions/Télévision Suisse-Romande/Zespol Filmowy “Tor” ...
Went the Day Well? Jonathan Dawson November 2006 CTEQ Annotations on Film Went the Day Well? (1943 UK 92 mins) Prod Co: Ealing Studios Prod: Michael Balcon Dir: Alberto Cavalcanti Scr: John Dighton, Diana Morgan, Angus McPhail, based on Graham Greene’s short story “The Lieuten...
Letter to Jane Jonathan Dawson May 2006 CTEQ Annotations on Film This annotation previously appeared in Senses of Cinema, no. 19, Mar–Apr 2002. Letter to Jane (1972 France 51mins) Source: ACMI/NLA Pro, Dir, Scr: Jean-Luc Godard, Jean-Pierre Gorin Voices: Jane Fonda...
British Sounds Jonathan Dawson October 2005 CTEQ Annotations on Film British Sounds (1969 UK/France 54 mins) Source: NFVLS Prod Co: Kestrel Productions for LWT Prod: Irving Teitelbaum Dir, Scr: Jean-Luc Godard, Jean-Henri Roger Phot: Charles Stewart Editor: Elizabeth Kozm...
Look Both Ways: Interview with Sarah Watt and Andrew S. Gilbert Jonathan Dawson October 2005 Feature Articles After the dire predictions of a crisis in the Australian cinema, a flurry of recent releases has raised the profile of local films, not least of which being Watt's début feature.
Empty Pockets: Robert Connolly Interviewed on Three Dollars Jonathan Dawson July 2005 Conversations with Filmmakers Australian director Robert Connolly discusses his adaptation of Elliot Perlman's novel about the souring of the Australian dream in an age of economic rationalism.
Solzhenitsyn’s Children … Are Making a Lot of Noise in Paris Jonathan Dawson April 2005 Brief Encounters Ten years after the events of May 1968, director Michael Rubbo travels to Paris in search of the revolutionary dream. It has soured, but there is still much to shout about.
Blowup Jonathan Dawson February 2005 CTEQ Annotations on Film Blowup (1966 UK 111 mins) Source: Chapel Films Prod Co: Bridge Films/MGM Prod: Carlo Ponti Dir: Michelangelo Antonioni Scr: Michelangelo Antonioni, Edward Bond, Tonino Guerra, from the short story Las Ba...
Trans-Europ Express Jonathan Dawson October 2004 CTEQ Annotations on Film Trans-Europ Express (1966 France 105 mins) Source: ACMI Collections Prod Co: Como Film Production Prod: Samy Halfon Dir, Scr: Alain Robbe-Grillet Phot: Willy Kurant Ed: Bob Wade Mus: Michel Fano Cast:...
Vertov, Dziga Jonathan Dawson March 2003 Great Directors Denis Arkadievitch Kaufman b. January 2, 1896, Bialystok, Poland d. February 12, 1954, Moscow, Russia filmography bibliography web resources Our eyes see very little and very badly – so people dream...
The Film Minister – Goebbels and the Cinema in the ‘Third Reich’ by Felix Moeller Jonathan Dawson July 2002 Book Reviews (Stuttgart/London: Edition Axel Menges, 2000) “It is my ultimate goal to establish the German film as the dominant cultural world power.” - Joseph Goebbels in 1941 The Axel Menges' Architecture Art and Desig...
Belle de Jour (BFI Film Classics, London, 2001), by Michael Wood Jonathan Dawson March 2002 Book Reviews Luis Buñuel's movies, beginning of course with Un Chien Andalou (1928), that ur-surrealist film for all seasons, defy category, logic, good taste and 'common' sense. They are, quite simply, unique. It's amazing...
Letter to Jane Jonathan Dawson March 2002 CTEQ Annotations on Film Letter to Jane (1972 France 51mins) Source: ACMI/NLA Pro, Dir, Scr: Jean-Luc Godard, Jean-Pierre Gorin Voices: Jane Fonda, Jean-Luc Godard, Jean-Pierre Gorin Letter to Jane is, in one sense, a very lo...
À Bout de souffle (Breathless) Jonathan Dawson March 2002 CTEQ Annotations on Film À Bout de souffle (1960 France 90mins) 35mm Source: NewVision Prod Co: Georges de Beauregard, Société Nouvelle de Cinéma Prod: Georges de Beauregard Dir, Scr: Jean-Luc Godard from story by François Truff...
Encore Hollywood – Remaking French Cinema by Lucy Mazdon (London, BFI, 2000) Jonathan Dawson November 2001 Book Reviews The new BFI series has quickly established itself as one of the more sensible ways into Screen Studies after the florid excesses of post-structuralism and its fallout in unreadable doctoral dissertations. Ba...
The Boys from the Bank – The Bank Jonathan Dawson September 2001 Contemporary Australian Film Perhaps the first Australian film to deal in stock market crashes and corporate misbehaviour: Dawson regards it as fine and fascinating.
The Beat Manifesto Jonathan Dawson July 2001 CTEQ Annotations on Film The Beat Manifesto (1994 Australia 18mins) Prod: AFTRS Dir: Daniel Nettheim Cast: Joel McIlroy, Ralph Cotterill, Melanie de Ferranti, Alex Norcos, StevenVidler, Peter Carmody. The annual Yuletide f...
The Fourth Wall Returns: Moulin Rouge and the Imminent Death of Cinema Jonathan Dawson June 2001 Essays/on/Films When Baz Luhrmann's latest Red Curtain movie opened the Official Selection at Cannes last month, the critics had already made up their minds. As far as most were concerned this was film as disco, or even Ka...