I Confess Ken Mogg March 2018 CTEQ Annotations on Film I Confess (1953 USA 95mins) Source: CAC Prod Co: Warner Brothers -First National Prod, Dir: Alfred Hitchcock Scr: George Tabori, William Archibald Phot: Robert Burks Ed: Rudi Fehr Art Dir: Edward S. Haworth ...
Back to Freud! Superbitch! Alfred Hitchcock’s 50-Year Obsession with Jack the Ripper and the Eternal Prostitute. A Psycho-analytic Interpretation by Theodore Price Ken Mogg December 2013 Book Reviews The explanation for the Woman Double theme of The Virgin and The Whore, which I would like to believe is common cultural knowledge by now, is brilliantly enunciated by Freud in two of his most famous and influe...
Vertigo: The Best Film of All Time? Peter Wertz March 2013 Feature Articles Way back in 1982, Vertigo debuted on the BFI’s Sight & Sound Poll of Best Films at number 7. Since then it has slowly ascended, finally summiting the list in 2012, displacing the oft-thought irreplaceable C...
Boy Meets Girl: Architectonics of a Hitchcockian Shot Murray Pomerance April 2012 Feature Articles Boy meets girl…and falls in love. In this case, Cary Grant with Ingrid Bergman in Notorious. Murray Pomerance’s analysis demonstrates how Hitchcock’s astute mise-en-scene makes it happen.
The Day of the Claw: A Synoptic Account of Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds Ken Mogg July 2009 Towards an Ecology of Cinema In this brilliantly imaginative piece, Ken Mogg takes several literary texts and uses them to synoptically illuminate Hitchcock’s intentions behind The Birds. Don’t for a second believe that Daphne du Maurier’s short story is the only literary influence.
Alfred Hitchcock and The Fighting Generation Alain Kerzoncuf February 2009 Feature Articles Hitchcock scholar Alain Kerzoncuf resurrects some insightful archival material regarding Hitchcock’s 1944 short war-effort propaganda film.
Hitchcock’s Romantic Irony by Richard Allen Karen Goodman August 2008 Book Reviews Richard Allen demonstrates his enduring fascination and respect for Hitchcock’s filmmaking within a compelling new authorial study. Hitchcock’s Romantic Irony examines the director’s overarching modes of narrat...
Hitchcock and Hume Revisited: Fear, Confusion and Stage Fright John Orr May 2007 Alfred Hitchcock Revisited, Special Dossiers “This essay is a return to the scene of the crime.” The author of Hitchcock and 20th Century Cinema re-evaluates his low opinion of Stage Fright, and discovers that the affinities between Hitchcock’s cinema and the philosopher David Hume run far deeper than he had first imagined.
The Sixties, the Thriller and the Judge Richard Franklin May 2007 Alfred Hitchcock Revisited, Special Dossiers Alfred Hitchcock had plans to develop a project titled No Bail for the Judge, but when that faulted he turned his attention to Psycho … and changed the course of the thriller genre.
Alfred Hitchcock and John Buchan: The Art of Creative Transformation Tony Williams May 2007 Alfred Hitchcock Revisited, Special Dossiers Alfred Hitchcock’s film of John Buchan’s novel, The Thirty-Nine Steps, was one of his most successful, and he repeatedly used the story template in other films, such as North by Northwest. But Hitchcock showed little empathy for Buchan’s ideology.
Hitchcock’s Aventure Malgache (or the True Story of DZ 91) Alain Kerzoncuf November 2006 Feature Articles The fate of Alfred Hitchcock’s little-seen film about the French Resistance reads like one of his own espionage thrillers. Hitchcock scholar Alain Kerzoncuf tracks through the archives in search of evidence.
Hitchcock, Alfred Ken Mogg July 2005 Great Directors b. August 13, 1899, London, England d. April 29, 1980, Los Angeles, USA Filmography Select Bibliography Articles in Senses Web Resources Alfred Hitchcock – Master of Paradox Note from the author ...
Oedipus at Los Angeles: Hitch and the Tragic Muse David Kelly January 2003 Alfred Hitchcock An exploration of the 'tragic' in modern art by way of Hitchcock's evocation of Sophocles' Oedipus Rex in Rope.
Hitchcock, Machines, and Us Tag Gallagher January 2003 Alfred Hitchcock A probing examination into Hitchcock's cinema and its pull between the expressionist and the formalist/conceptual.
Hitchcock’s Films Revisited by Robin Wood, Revised Edition, Joe McElhaney January 2003 Book Reviews McElhaney considers this revised edition of Wood's earlier 1965 classic, and the continuities and changes it brings in regards to Wood's body of work on Hitch.
A Long Hard Look at ‘Psycho’ by Raymond Durgnat Ken Mogg January 2003 Book Reviews A comprehensive, substantial appraisal of Durgnat's posthumously published Psycho.
A Long Hard Look at ‘Psycho’ by Raymond Durgnat Charles Barr January 2003 Book Reviews Whilst Barr praises Durgnat's pluralist approach and astute feeling for cinematic texture, he laments the number of errors throughout the book.
English Hitchcock by Charles Barr Tony Williams January 2003 Book Reviews Barr's book does a fine job at exploring a traditionally neglected area: Hitchcock's English films and their indebtedness to English national culture.
Trafic Issue No. 41: Hitchcock/Lang (Printemps 2002) David Ehrenstein January 2003 Book Reviews Ehrenstein reviews this special double issue of French film magazine Trafic, published in 2002.
I Confess – Historical Note Bill Krohn November 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film The release of I Confess in 1953 must have seemed to the Cahiers du cinéma critics who had championed Hitchcock to be a confirmation of all their theories, because it is THE textbook example of the famous "...
I Confess Ken Mogg November 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film I Confess (1953 USA 95mins) Source: CAC Prod Co: Warner Brothers -First National Prod, Dir: Alfred Hitchcock Scr: George Tabori, William Archibald Phot: Robert Burks Ed: Rudi Fehr Art Dir: Edward S. Hawo...