I Confess Ken Mogg March 2018 CTEQ Annotations on Film I Confess (1953 USA 95mins) Source: CAC Prod Co: Warner Brothers -First National Prod, Dir: Alfred Hitchcock Scr: George Tabori, William Archibald Phot: Robert Burks Ed: Rudi Fehr Art Dir: Edward S. Haworth ...
Shock, Horror, Spirit: Hitchcock’s Psycho (1960): Part Two Ken Mogg December 2016 Feature Articles This two-part essay basically concerns Alfred Hitchcock’s relation to Catholicism. My thanks to Senses of Cinema for allowing its publication over two issues. Its departure-point, we saw, was David Sterritt’s c...
Shock, Horror, Spirit: Hitchcock’s Psycho (1960): Part One Ken Mogg September 2016 Feature Articles This two-part essay basically concerns Alfred Hitchcock’s relation to Catholicism. My thanks to Senses of Cinema for allowing its publication over two issues. If it challenges at all Raymond Durgnat’s estimatio...
Two Books on Alfred Hitchcock: Alfred Hitchcock by Peter Ackroyd and Hitchcock on Hitchcock: Selected Writings and Interviews, Volume 2 by Sidney Gottlieb (ed.) Ken Mogg September 2015 Book Reviews Discussing Hitchcock's Sabotage (1936), Peter Ackroyd likens its director “to another great London visionary, Charles Dickens.” In a few deft lines, beginning, “Although the outward circumstances of their l...
Two More Books on Hitchcock: Hitchcock Lost and Found: The Forgotten Films by Alain Kerzoncuf and Charles Barr, and Must We Kill the Thing We Love? Emersonian Perfectionism and the Films of Alfred Hitchcock by William Rothman Ken Mogg September 2015 Book Reviews Early in Hitchcock Lost and Found (p. 2) Alain Kerzoncuf and Charles Barr note the unique “enthusiasm” that has surrounded the director's films – at any rate since Cahiers du Cinéma in France and then Movi...
Back to Freud! Superbitch! Alfred Hitchcock’s 50-Year Obsession with Jack the Ripper and the Eternal Prostitute. A Psycho-analytic Interpretation by Theodore Price Ken Mogg December 2013 Book Reviews The explanation for the Woman Double theme of The Virgin and The Whore, which I would like to believe is common cultural knowledge by now, is brilliantly enunciated by Freud in two of his most famous and influe...
The Day of the Claw: A Synoptic Account of Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds Ken Mogg July 2009 Towards an Ecology of Cinema In this brilliantly imaginative piece, Ken Mogg takes several literary texts and uses them to synoptically illuminate Hitchcock’s intentions behind The Birds. Don’t for a second believe that Daphne du Maurier’s short story is the only literary influence.
Hitchcock, Alfred Ken Mogg July 2005 Great Directors b. August 13, 1899, London, England d. April 29, 1980, Los Angeles, USA Filmography Select Bibliography Articles in Senses Web Resources Alfred Hitchcock – Master of Paradox Note from the author ...
Back for Christmas (episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents) Ken Mogg April 2004 CTEQ Annotations on Film Back for Christmas (episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents) (1956 USA 25 mins) Source: ACMI/NLA Prod Co: Shamley Productions Filmed at: Revue Studios Prod: Joan Harrison Dir: Alfred Hitchcock Scr: Francis ...
From London to Xanadu: Dickens and the Dream of Cinema by Grahame Smith Ken Mogg April 2004 Book Reviews When young Pip, the would-be hero of Charles Dickens's Great Expectations (1862), first arrives in London, he seeks out the address of Jaggers the lawyer in “Little Britain” (1). The hour is “a little past mid-...
Banquo’s Chair (episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents) Ken Mogg March 2003 CTEQ Annotations on Film Banquo's Chair (episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents) (1959 USA 25mins) Source: ACMI/NLA Prod Co: Shamley Productions Filmed at: Revue Studios Prod: Joan Harrison Dir: Alfred Hitchcock Scr: Francis Cockr...
A Long Hard Look at ‘Psycho’ by Raymond Durgnat Ken Mogg January 2003 Book Reviews A comprehensive, substantial appraisal of Durgnat's posthumously published Psycho.
I Confess Ken Mogg November 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film I Confess (1953 USA 95mins) Source: CAC Prod Co: Warner Brothers -First National Prod, Dir: Alfred Hitchcock Scr: George Tabori, William Archibald Phot: Robert Burks Ed: Rudi Fehr Art Dir: Edward S. Hawo...