The Sixties, the Thriller and the Judge Richard Franklin May 2007 Alfred Hitchcock Revisited, Special Dossiers Alfred Hitchcock had plans to develop a project titled No Bail for the Judge, but when that faulted he turned his attention to Psycho … and changed the course of the thriller genre.
“What I Really Want to do is Direct”: Directors as Depicted on Film and Television Richard Franklin February 2007 The Moral of the Auteur Theory The director of, among others, Roadgames, Psycho II and Hotel Sorrento, offers an insightful reflection on an issue close to his heart and profession.
Ford, John Richard Franklin July 2002 Great Directors b. Sean Aloysius O'Fearna (1) b. Feb 1, 1895, Maine, USA. d. August 31, 1973, Palm Desert, California, USA. filmography bibliography articles in Senses web resources I read Senses of Cinema's cal...