Making a Film Federico Fellini March 2014 Feature Articles Translator’s Preface Federico Fellini Federico Fellini’s Fare un film (1980) is the most comprehensive collection of the idiosyncratic Italian director’s writings available in any language. The contents we...
Three Films by Roberto Rossellini Starring Ingrid Bergman: The Criterion Edition of Stromboli, Europe ’51 and Journey to Italy Greg Gerke December 2013 Feature Articles How did Italian cinema manage to become so big when from Rossellini to Visconti and from Antonioni to Fellini, no one recorded sound with images? A simple answer: the language of Ovid and Virgil, Dante and Le...
Voyage to Italy Wheeler Winston Dixon July 2009 CTEQ Annotations on Film Viaggio in Italia/Voyage to Italy/Voyage in Italy/Strangers (1954 Italy/France 97 mins) Prod Co: Sveva/Junior/Italiafilm Prod: Adolfo Fossataro Dir: Roberto Rossellini Scr: Roberto Rossellini, Vitaliano ...
Rome, Open City Darragh O’Donoghue July 2009 CTEQ Annotations on Film Roma città aperta/Rome, Open City/Open City (1945 Italy 103 mins) Prod Co: Excelsa Film Dir: Roberto Rossellini Scr: Sergio Amidei, Federico Fellini, Roberto Rossellini Phot: Ubaldo Arata Ed: Erlado Da R...
Paisà Allan James Thomas July 2009 CTEQ Annotations on Film Paisà/Paisan (1946 Italy 115 mins) Prod Co: Organizzazione Film Internazionali/Foreign Film Production, Inc. Prod: Mario Conti, Rod E. Geiger Dir: Roberto Rossellini Scr: Sergio Amidei, Federico Fellini,...
The Machine that Kills Bad People Constantin Parvulescu July 2009 CTEQ Annotations on Film La macchina ammazzacattivi/The Machine that Kills Bad People/The Machine to Kill Bad People (1948/1952 Italy 83 mins) Prod Co: Universalia/Tevere Film Prod: Salvo D’Angelo Dir: Roberto Rossellini Scr: Se...
Germany, Year Zero Pasquale Iannone July 2009 CTEQ Annotations on Film Germania anno zero/Germany, Year Zero (1947 Italy/West Germany/France 78 mins) Prod Co: Tevere Film/Sadfilm Prod: Alfredo Guarani, Roberto Rossellini Dir: Roberto Rossellini Scr: Roberto Rossellini, Carl...
L’amore Gino Moliterno July 2009 CTEQ Annotations on Film L’amore (1948 Italy 78 mins) Prod Co: Tevere Film Prod, Dir: Roberto Rossellini Ed: Eraldo Da Roma Mus: Renzo Rossellini Una voce umana/A Human Voice Scr: Roberto Rossellini from the play, La voix ...