A Man Escaped Gwendolyn Audrey Foster March 2012 CTEQ Annotations on Film “When one is in prison, the most important thing is the door.” – Robert Bresson (1) Un condamné à mort s’est échappé ou Le vent souffle où il veut (A Man Escaped, 1956) is one of Bresson’s most sublime and ...
Voices With(out) a Face: On Robert Bresson’s Procès de Jeanne d’Arc José Sarmiento March 2012 CTEQ Annotations on Film “In my Trial of Joan of Arc I have tried to avoid “theater” and “masquerade”, but to arrive at a non-historical truth by using historical words.” - Robert Bresson (1) Released in 1962, and receiving mild-hear...
Les dames du Bois de Boulogne Manjari Kaul March 2012 CTEQ Annotations on Film “Only the conflicts that take place inside the characters give a film its real movement.” - Robert Bresson (1) “Destiny is tragic but I prefer a fate we choose to one forced upon us.” -Agnès (Elina Labourd...
The Power of Resistance: Les Dames du Bois de Boulogne Wheeler Winston Dixon March 2008 Feature Articles Wheeler Dixon provides a refreshing look at one of the enduring masterpieces of French cinema.
A Man Escaped Noel Vera May 2007 Spotlight on Robert Bresson Noel Vera offers a detailed analysis of the spiritual and the material in Diary of a Country Priest.
Robert Bresson and Flannery O’Connor: Unlikely Approaches Toward Grace Guy Crucianelli May 2007 Spotlight on Robert Bresson An insightful comparison of the work of two of the great artists of the 20th Century.
Going Beyond Cézanne: The Development of Robert Bresson’s Film Style in Response to the Painting of Paul Cézanne Peter L. Doebler May 2007 Spotlight on Robert Bresson “Robert Bresson began as a painter and, while he would rarely practice the art, it was a guiding force in the development of his unique film style.” Doebler argues the case for Bresson’s debt to painting and Cézanne in particular.
Sins of Omission: A Dissenting View of Robert Bresson Dan Harper May 2007 Spotlight on Robert Bresson At the risk of sounding like the devil, probably, to Bresson’s admirers, Harper expresses some personal doubts about the stature of Bresson’s cinema.
Au hasard Balthazar Dana Polan February 2007 CTEQ Annotations on Film Au hasard Balthazar (1966 France/Sweden 95 mins) Prod Co: Argos Films/Athos Films/Parc Film/Svensk Filmindustri/Svenska Filminstitutet Prod: Mag Bodard Dir, Scr: Robert Bresson Phot: Ghislain Cloquet Ed:...
Robert Bresson on DVD Geoff Gardner May 2006 DVD Reviews 1. Breaking the Bresson ice Accent Film Entertainment is the first Australian company to release the works of Robert Bresson on DVD. The three films are Pickpocket (1959), Procès de Jeanne d’Arc (incorrectly...
The Resolute Æsthetic: Bresson’s Lancelot du Lac Alex Lipschultz July 2005 Feature Articles Succinct notes on cinema's most succinct filmmaker. An elegant essay on Robert Bresson's sublime tale on the Knights of the Round Table.
Pickpocket Rick Thompson June 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film A discussion of this profoundly mysterious film.
Au Hasard, Balthazar and Mouchette Bill Mousoulis June 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film A discussion of these two Bresson films.
Bresson Kent Jones June 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film A refreshingly original approach to appreciating Bresson.
Robert Bresson – Filmography Senses of Cinema June 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film 25 September 1901 - 22 December 1999 as director Les Affaires publiques (1934) (short) Les Anges du péché (1943) ... aka The Angels of Sin Les Dames du Bois de Boulogne (1945) ... aka...