Come Drink with Me Dana Polan February 2025 CTEQ Annotations on Film Just about half-way through King Hu’s 1966 Da Zui Xia (Come Drink with Me), the heroine, Golden Swallow (Cheng Pei-Pei) has been wounded by bandits but spirited to safety by so-called Drunken Cat (Yueh Hua), a ...
The Last Musical Show: Peter Bogdanovich’s At Long Last Love (1975) Dana Polan June 2023 CTEQ Annotations on Film Throughout the New Hollywood of the late 1960s into the 1970s, two filmmaking desires of auteur directors (usually male) sometimes combined: to realise very ambitious vanity projects in which highly detailed so...
Major Dundee Dana Polan October 2014 CTEQ Annotations on Film Famously, and infamously, the majority of the films of Sam Peckinpah were made – and unmade – in the editing room. For instance, as two UK film scholars, John Gibbs and Douglas Pye, demonstrate in a nice essay ...
Some Came Running Dana Polan March 2009 CTEQ Annotations on Film This annotation previously appeared in Senses of Cinema, no. 19, March–April 2002. Some Came Running (1958 USA 135 mins) Source: ACMI/NLA Prod Co: MGM Prod: Sol C. Siegel Dir: Vincente Minnelli Scr: J...
Au hasard Balthazar Dana Polan February 2007 CTEQ Annotations on Film Au hasard Balthazar (1966 France/Sweden 95 mins) Prod Co: Argos Films/Athos Films/Parc Film/Svensk Filmindustri/Svenska Filminstitutet Prod: Mag Bodard Dir, Scr: Robert Bresson Phot: Ghislain Cloquet Ed:...
Now, Voyager Dana Polan November 2006 CTEQ Annotations on Film Now, Voyager (1942 USA 117 mins) Prod Co: Warner Bros. Prod: Hal B. Wallis Dir: Irving Rapper Scr: Casey Robinson, based on the novel by Olive Higgins Prouty Phot: Sol Polito Art Dir: Robert Haas Cost: O...
Resonant Textuality: Visualising and Conceptualising the Cinema of Wong Kar-wai: Wong Kar-wai by Stephen Teo Dana Polan April 2005 Book Reviews A while back, Senses of Cinema offered a mini-dossier on Wong Kar-wai's cinema on the occasion of the release of his In the Mood for Love (2000). A number of writers were invited to pick a word that for them in...
Nothing Behind the Screen: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow Dana Polan February 2005 On Recent Films Boasting a big cast and a 100% simulated setting, Sky Captain sadly amounts to nothing more than a simulacra of cinema and points to worrying tendencies in Hollywood.
Detour Dana Polan July 2002 CTEQ Annotations on Film Detour (1945 USA 69 mins) Source: ACMI/NLA Prod Co: PRC Prod: Leon Fromkess Dir: Edgar G. Ulmer Scr: Martin G. Goldsmith Phot: Benjamin H. Kline Ed: George McGuire Art Dir: William Clihan Jr. and Edward ...
Some Came Running Dana Polan March 2002 CTEQ Annotations on Film Some Came Running (1958 USA 135mins) Source: ACMI/NLA Prod Co: MGM Prod: Sol C. Siegel Dir: Vincente Minnelli Scr: John Patrick, Arthur Sheekman from the novel by James Jones Phot: William H. Daniels Ed:...