Floating Life: The Heaviness of Moving Stephen Teo July 2017 Pioneering Australian Women Another meditation on migration, but this time also sketching a possible Asian-Australian cinema.
2046: A Matter of Time, A Labour of Love Stephen Teo April 2005 On Recent Films An analysis of the themes of time and memory in Wong Kar-waiís 2046, and how the film forms a trilogy of sorts with In the Mood for Love and Days of Being Wild.
Jonathan Rosenbaum, The Essential Critic: Essential Cinema: On the Necessity of Film Canons by Jonathan Rosenbaum Stephen Teo April 2005 Book Reviews Jonathan Rosenbaum's Essential Cinema: On the Necessity of Film Canons (Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University, 2004), takes a canonical view of cinema, asserting the importance of canons or critically ...
A City of Sadness by Bérénice Reynaud Stephen Teo December 2003 Book Reviews (London: British Film Institute, 2002) Bérénice Reynaud's study of Hou Hsiao-hsien's A City of Sadness is a welcome addition to the BFI's “Modern Classics” series, not only because Hou's film is an Asian pre...
The Lin Family Shop: A Chinese Melodrama of Capitalist Existentialism Stephen Teo October 2003 CTEQ Annotations on Film The Lin Family Shop (1959 China 85 mins) Source: ScreenSound Australia Prod Co: Beijing Film Studio Prod: Shi Ping, Li Gan Dir: Shui Hua Scr: Xia Yan based on a story by Mao Dun Phot: Qian Jiang Art Dir:...
“There Is No Sixth Generation!” Director Li Yang on Blind Shaft and His Place in Chinese Cinema Stephen Teo July 2003 Feature Articles Li Yang discusses his impressive first feature, a drama set in China's mining industry, starring professional and non-professionals, exploring socio-historical, ethical, and existential themes.
Making Films like a Viking Marauder – Interview with Rob Nilsson Stephen Teo May 2003 Interviews - Various Fiercely independent, committed to the expansive, beautiful qualities of "actual human behaviour" and inspired by the work of Bergman and Cassavetes, Rob Nilsson is a rarity in contemporary cinema.
Face Masks at the 27th HKIFF Stephen Teo May 2003 Festival Reports The 27th edition of the Hong Kong International Film Festival (HKIFF) opened on April 8th overshadowed by the deadly SARS virus. The festival was to have marked a new beginning: for the first time in its hi...
Hu, King Stephen Teo July 2002 Great Directors b. April 29, 1932, Beijing, China. d. January 14, 1997, Taipei, Taiwan. filmography bibliography articles in Senses web resources In his youth, King Hu (Mandarin name: Hu Jinquan) was captivated b...
King Hu’s The Fate of Lee Khan and The Valiant Ones Stephen Teo May 2002 CTEQ Annotations on Film The Fate of Lee Khan (1973 Hong Kong 105 mins) Source: Prod Co: Gam Chuen Prod, Dir, Ed: King Hu Scr: King Hu, Wong Chung Phot: Chun Tsing-Chan Martial Arts Dir: Zhu Yuanlong (Sammo Hung Kam Bo) Cast:...
The Pusan International Film Festival – Mature and Independent Stephen Teo December 2001 Festival Reports A comprehensive discussion of this key Asian film festival.
The Code of The Mission (Johnnie To, 1999) Stephen Teo November 2001 Hong Kong Teo examines the brotherhood code at play in Johnnie To's riveting film.
Starting Over: Tsui Hark’s Time and Tide (2000) Stephen Teo November 2001 Hong Kong Senses overload: Tsui rivals Luhrmann but not without probing allegory.
Tsui Hark: Filmography Stephen Teo November 2001 Hong Kong Real name: Tsui Man-kwong. Born, 1951 in Vietnam. Moved to Hong Kong in 1966 for secondary school education. In 1969, went to the US to study at Southern Methodist University, Texas. Interrupted studies to ...
A Reflection Stephen Teo November 2001 Terror, Disaster, Cinema and Reality - A Symposium Has the cinema brought about September 11? Did the terrorists learn their tactics from the action blockbusters of Hollywood? Is the cinema culpable? Such questions presuppose that the cinema can determine or in...
Australia’s Role in the Global Kung Fu Trend: The Man from Hong Kong Stephen Teo September 2001 CTEQ Annotations on Film The Man From Hong Kong (1975 Australia 103mins) 35mm Source: ScreenSound Prod Co: Golden Harvest, The Movie Company Ex. Prod: Raymond Chow, John Fraser Prod: David Hannay, André Morgan Dir, Scr: Br...
The Case of Jafar Panahi – An Interview with the Iranian Director of The Circle Stephen Teo July 2001 Jafar Panahi Panahi speaks about the central motifs in his films and their aesthetic.
Cinema with an Accent – Interview with Jia Zhangke, Director of Platform Stephen Teo July 2001 Feature Articles Teo speaks at length with this young, talented director.
Wong Kar-wai’s In the Mood for Love: Like a Ritual in Transfigured Time Stephen Teo April 2001 Wong Kar-wai An informed and sensitive reflection on Wong's latest film.
“We Kicked Jackie Chan’s Ass!” An Interview with James Schamus Stephen Teo April 2001 Feature Articles Co-founder of Good Machine and regular collaborator with Ang Lee, Schamus discusses the process of co-writing what has become the most successful subtitled foreign-language film in the U.S. and Australia, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
Full Moon in New York Stephen Teo February 2001 CTEQ Annotations on Film Full Moon in New York (1990 Hong Kong 88 mins) Source: CF Prod Co: Shio-bu Film, Golden Glory Productions Prod: Henry Fong Dir: Stanley Kwan Scr: Zhong Acheng, Yau Tai On Ping Ph: Bill Wong Ed: Steve Wan...
Autumn Moon Stephen Teo February 2001 Director: Clara Law Law's understated, soulful meditation on migration here discussed.
Floating Life: The Heaviness of Moving Stephen Teo February 2001 Director: Clara Law Another meditation on migration, but this time also sketching a possible Asian-Australian cinema.
Temptation of a Monk Stephen Teo February 2001 Director: Clara Law Teo considers Law's take on the epic, period film.
Love and Swords: The Dialectics of Martial Arts Romance: A Review of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Stephen Teo December 2000 Current Releases Love in the Time of Myth Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon has generated great word-of-mouth since its initial success out of competition in the Cannes Film Festival. For this reviewer at least, it was the most ...
Seijun Suzuki: Authority in Minority Stephen Teo July 2000 Festival Reports This visionary Japanese B-grade director is highlighted in the festival.
Local and Global Identity: Whither Hong Kong Cinema? Stephen Teo June 2000 Asian Cinema The Hong Kong film industry has been developing its identity, both locally and globally.