The Cinema Book edited by Pam Cook Constantine Verevis August 2008 Book Reviews Several years ago, I took on the coordination of a large, introductory film studies unit, entitled Contemporary Popular Film. A look over items that had been screened in that unit previously – films like Nénett...
Warhol, Andy Constantine Verevis December 2002 Great Directors Andrew Warhola b. August 6, 1928, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA d. February 22, 1987, New York, New York, USA filmography bibliography articles in Senses web resources When people describe who I am...
Flaming Creatures Constantine Verevis July 2002 CTEQ Annotations on Film Flaming Creatures (1963 USA 43 mins) Source: CAC/NLA Dir, Phot: Jack Smith Ass Dir: Marc Schleifer Recording: Tony Conrad Special Assistant: Dick Preston Facilities: The Windsor Theater Cast: Francis ...