Nothing Behind the Screen: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow Dana Polan February 2005 On Recent Films Boasting a big cast and a 100% simulated setting, Sky Captain sadly amounts to nothing more than a simulacra of cinema and points to worrying tendencies in Hollywood.
Patricio Guzmán’s Salvador Allende: The Personal Painting of a Universal Myth Pamela Biénzobas February 2005 On Recent Films Acclaimed filmmaker Patricio Guzmán's latest work for the first time tackles the greatness and the legacy of Salvador Allende.
Triple Agent: Portrait of the Unknowable Other, Reflection of the Unknowable Self Tamara Tracz February 2005 On Recent Films Not just a spy movie, Rohmer's film is a stylish summation of his 50-year career and, more than tackling his lifelong occupation with verbal interaction and demystification of the other, perhaps ultimately posits a stark verdict about the self.
Storytelling with Rhythm and Feeling: An Interview with Brad McGann Violeta Kovacsics February 2005 On Recent Films New Zealand filmmaker Brad McGann describes the process of making his debut In My Father's Den, the film's themes and ideas, its feel for rhythm and emotion, and his own cinematic influences.
Hell’s Angels: An Interview with Catherine Breillat on Anatomy of Hell Kevin Murphy February 2005 On Recent Films A film that has been widely condemned but seldom discussed, Anatomy of Hell is here elucidated matter-of-factly by its author.
American Squander: Sideways and the Extravagance of Self-Pity Natalie Reitano February 2005 On Recent Films Better to compromise and be satisfied than idealistic and disappointed, posits the recent, acclaimed Sideways.