Obayashi, Nobuhiko Hal Young May 2021 Great Directors Nobuhiko Obayashi was a director often dismissed as someone whose works are “ultimately less than meets the eye.” The purpose of this piece is to argu...
Oliveira, Manoel de Wheeler Winston Dixon October 2018 Great Directors “Whether we like it or not, it (death) will come one day, but generally people are not in a hurry, and I personally have never been in a hurry in my...
Ophuls, Max Jeremy Carr December 2017 Great Directors 6 May, 1902, Saarbrücken, Germany d. 26 March, 1957, Hamburg, Germany Like the elaborate camera manoeuvres that enrich his multinational filmography...
Ouedraogo, Idrissa Martin Stollery July 2004 Great Directors b. January 21, 1954, Banfora, Burkina Faso Filmography Select Bibliography Articles in Senses Web Resources While constantly seeking to e...
Oshii, Mamoru Richard Suchenski July 2004 Great Directors b. August 8, 1951, Tokyo, Japan Filmography Bibliography Articles in Senses Web Resources In recent years, Japanese anime and manga have ...
Oshima, Nagisa Nelson Kim April 2004 Great Directors b. March 31, 1932, Kyoto, Japan d. January 15, 2013, Fujisawa, Kanagawa, Japan filmography bibliography articles in Senses web resources I...
Ozon, François Thibaut Schilt April 2004 Great Directors b. November 15, 1967, Paris, France filmography bibliography web resources Occasionally referred to as the enfant terrible of French cinema, F...
Ozu, Yasujiro Nick Wrigley May 2003 Great Directors very occasionally credited as James Maki or Uinzato Mone (1) b. December 12, 1903, Tokyo, Japan d. December 12, 1963, Tokyo, Japan filmograph...
Obomsawin, Alanis Paul Williams October 2002 Great Directors b. August 31, 1932, Lebanon, New Hampshire, USA. filmography bibliography web resources Alanis Obomsawin has become, perhaps, not only Can...