Introduction Adrian Danks October 2010 Arthur and Corinne Cantrill Dossier Arthur (1938-) and Corinne Cantrill (1928-) started their extraordinary filmmaking careers in 1960, and remain two of the most significant and productive figures in the history of experimental cinema. Their wor...
Voice of the Grain: Films by Arthur and Corinne Cantrill Jake Wilson October 2010 Arthur and Corinne Cantrill Dossier This essay originally appeared on the website of the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, and was written to accompany the retrospective “Grain Of The Voice: 50 Years Of Sound and Image” which I curated. ...
Kine-Calligraphy For A New Era: Cantrills Expanded Cinema 1971/2006/2009 Otherfilm October 2010 Arthur and Corinne Cantrill Dossier Artists, experimental filmmakers, poets and their associates have a covert history of exploration beyond the standard arrangement of audience, beam and screen. In expanded cinema, as the late Paul Arthur noted,...
Waterfall Michael Koller October 2010 Arthur and Corinne Cantrill Dossier This article was first published in Cinema Papers no. 102, December 1994, pp. 10-11. It is reproduced here with the kind permission of the author. Waterfall (Arthur and Corinne Cantrill, 1984) is a true film...
Time’s Relentless Melt: Corinne Cantrill’s In This Life’s Body Freda Freiberg October 2010 Arthur and Corinne Cantrill Dossier This article was first published in the groundbreaking Don’t Shoot Darling! Women’s Independent Filmmaking in Australia (Greenhouse Publications, Richmond, 1987, pp. 334-42). It is reproduced here with the kind...
Turning and Unfolding: Personal Reflections on Cantrills Filmnotes Steven Ball October 2010 Arthur and Corinne Cantrill Dossier The trouble with archives is their lack of completeness. The mal d’archive, the archive fever that troubled Freud as explicated by Derrida (1), is in part the anxiety of the imperative of completeness, the need...