All that is Solid Melts into Air: IFFR 2023 Madeleine Collier May 2023 Festival Reports In early December, I received an unexpected email. After participating virtually in the IFFR Young Critics Program in 2019, I was invited to take part in a second round of workshops–this time in person, as the ...
Information as a music video, comedy as a diagram: Beny Wagner & Sasha Litvintseva in conversation Madeleine Collier May 2022 Interviews Beny Wagner and Sasha Litvintseva are fascinated by perception’s role in shaping history. Their last film, A Demonstration (2020), used the bifurcated Latin root monstrare (which is at the root of both the word...
Day by Day: IFFR 2022 Madeleine Collier May 2022 Festival Reports The 51st edition of the International Film Festival Rotterdam was among the first of many this year to be pushed online by the materialisation of the omicron variant. Consequently, instead of the theatrical set...
Disenchantment of the World: IFFR 2021 Madeleine Collier May 2021 Festival Reports It feels like every week since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic has contained more than a year’s worth of news events, and the week of the International Film Festival Rotterdam was no different. The February ...
Ecofeminism With Marwa Arsanios Madeleine Collier May 2021 Interviews Marwa Arsanios is a Berlin-based artist, filmmaker, and researcher whose work exposes the political dynamics latent in questions of ecology and land administration. Since 2017, Arsanios has been working on a se...