Ball of Fire

Ball of Fire is not Howard Hawks’ best comedy. Compared with the director’s greatest achievements within the genre, Twentieth Century (1934), Bringing Up Baby (1938), His Girl Friday (1940), and Monkey Business...
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The Dawn Patrol

The Dawn Patrol (1930 USA 95 mins) Prod Co: First National Pictures/Warner Bros. Prod: Robert North Dir: Howard Hawks Scr: Howard Hawks, Dan Totheroth, Seton I. Miller, from the story “The Flight Command...
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Greetings (1968 USA 88 mins) Prod Co: West End Films Prod: Charles Hirsch Dir, Ed: Brian De Palma Scr: Brian De Palma, Charles Hirsch Phot: Robert Fiore Mus: Eric Kaz, J. Stephen Soles, Artie Traum Ca...

Romero, George A.

b. February 4, 1940, New York, New York, USA d. July 16, 2017, Toronto, Canada Filmography Select Bibliography Web Resources Though typically associated with certain low-budget products of the horr...