One Night The Moon: Interview with Rachel Perkins Kathryn Millard November 2001 Australian Cinema, Culture & Criticism Millard recently spoke with the director and co-writer of this new Australian film.
One Night The Moon: Interview with John Romeril Kathryn Millard November 2001 Australian Cinema, Culture & Criticism Writer John Romeril discusses his involvement in this film.
Backroads: From Identity to Interval Stephen Muecke November 2001 Australian Cinema, Culture & Criticism An intriguing analysis of this 1970s Australian gem.
Extract of The Money Shot: Introduction Jane Mills November 2001 Australian Cinema, Culture & Criticism The following extract of Jane Mills' The Money Shot – Cinema, Sin and Censorship (Pluto Press Australia, 2001) is published here with the permission of Pluto Press Australia. The book is available at the re...
Extract of The Money Shot: Chapter Three: “When You Wish Upon a Star” Jane Mills November 2001 Australian Cinema, Culture & Criticism The following extract of Jane Mills' The Money Shot – Cinema, Sin and Censorship (Pluto Press Australia, 2001) is published here with the permission of Pluto Press Australia. The book is available at the re...
Extract of The Money Shot: Chapter Eight: “Time Out from the Democratic Process” Jane Mills November 2001 Australian Cinema, Culture & Criticism The following extract of Jane Mills' The Money Shot – Cinema, Sin and Censorship (Pluto Press Australia, 2001) is published here with the permission of Pluto Press Australia. The book is available at the re...
One Night The Moon: Script Extract Senses of Cinema November 2001 Australian Cinema, Culture & Criticism The following is an extract from the final shooting script of One Night The Moon © 2001 MusicArtsDance films Pty Ltd. The credits for this scene are: writers John Romeril and Rachel Perkins; lyrics Kev Carmod...