Queer cinema exists on a spectrum, with films that have crossover appeal to mainstream audiences (such as Portrait of a Lady on Fire (Céline Sciamma, 2019)) on one end and niche films for queer audiences—from Fig Trees (John Greyson, 2009) to Another Gay Movie (Todd Stephens, 2006)—on the other. This dossier will examine films that rely heavily on the queer film festival circuit for reaching their audience. This mode of distribution does not seek interest or approval from heteronormative film culture: it mobilises and draws value from its own marginality. The curation of these events are affective experiences that momentarily bind queer histories and audiences together in the moment of their projection. 

Senses of Cinema is calling for 200-word proposals for this dossier. 

Should your proposal be accepted, we will invite you to submit an article up to 3000 words. Peer review is available upon request. Topics can include, but are not limited to:

  • Analysis of individual films;
  • Profiling directors whose work ignores heterosexual audiences and film culture;
  • Examinations of national, political, or cultural contexts on the queer film festival circuit;
  • Particular screenings that are notable for their impact on a film’s legacy;
  • Films that expand the horizon of what a queer film festival is; and
  • Interviews that relate to the above topic.

Authors will need to abide by the Senses style guide.  By submitting a proposal, authors agree to the terms and conditions set out in our writers agreement

Expressions of interest are due by Monday March 20th 2023 and can be emailed to pride@sensesofcinema.com

Final submissions of full papers are currently expected to be due mid-June 2023, but this will be confirmed on proposal acceptance.

Stuart Richards, The University of South Australia
Antoine Damiens, York University, Toronto

For all other article enquiries and proposals please visit our Proposals section.

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