The title to the opening article in this current issue of the journal, “A Matter of Time, A Labour of Love”, may also well serve to delineate the twin constraints under which this issue was produced. Little time and much labour (but done with love, as a journal like Senses duly deserves). Michelle Carey in her Editorial to Issue 34 alluded to the changes in personnel that Senses was undergoing. That last bumper issue of Senses was indeed the grand swansong of the editorial team of Fiona Villella and Michelle Carey. We take this opportunity to thank them for their work and the sterling legacy they established. Thanks should also go Manager Albert Fung, Web Designer Cerise Howard and other ‘behind the scenes’ people who offered either advice, opinion or help as we began the process of orienting ourselves to the inner workings of the Senses milieu.

As to the changes in the editorial team: we – Rolando Caputo and Scott Murray – as Editors will be responsible for the general feature articles section, and the overall direction of the journal. Also newly appointed is Fincina Hopgood as Book Reviews Editor. Where there is change, there is also continuity. Michelle Carey will continue to oversee the Film Festival Reports section and the Great Directors database.

For all intents and purposes, this is a transitional issue. Readers will immediately notice that it is more streamlined and contained in the area of content. That is due to necessity rather than choice. Given the lateness of the previous issue going online, our first order of call was to have this current issue online on the designated period.

Inevitably, that has meant labouring under certain constraints: little time for forward-planning, receiving submissions, exchanging ideas, engaging in extended dialogue with writers and contributors, and so forth. It is good to have this issue under our belts, with the thought that we can as of now attend to all of the above … with a little time on our side.

Rolando Caputo, Scott Murray
Editors, Senses of Cinema

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