Kanto Wanderer Margaret Barton-Fumo June 2012 CTEQ Annotations on Film Undoubtedly one of the best of the Japanese B-stylists, the critical discussion surrounding Seijun Suzuki tends to focus on his notorious dismissal from Nikkatsu studios following the release of Koroshi no raku...
The Pleasure of the Image – The Flowers and the Angry Waves David Melville June 2012 CTEQ Annotations on Film “The world changes all the time. We can no longer win by force alone.” - Akira Kobayashi in The Flowers and the Angry Waves In his 1973 essay, Le Plaisir du texte, Roland Barthes hails the 19th century noveli...
Confessions of a Stray Cat: Pistol Opera David Melville April 2009 CTEQ Annotations on Film Pistol Opera (2001 Japan 112 mins) Prod Co: Victor Company of Japan/Shochiku/Eiseri Gekijo/Television Tokyo Channel 12/Dentsu/Ogura Jimusho Prod: Satoru Ogura, Ikki Katashima Dir: Seijun Suzuki Scr: Kazu...