Fighting for Their Right to Party: Roger Corman’s The Wild Angels Margaret Barton-Fumo May 2013 CTEQ Annotations on Film In the mid-1960s, the young sports writer Hunter S. Thompson spent a year living and riding with the notorious Hells Angels, leading to the publication of his first book-length work of gonzo journalism, Hells A...
Kanto Wanderer Margaret Barton-Fumo June 2012 CTEQ Annotations on Film Undoubtedly one of the best of the Japanese B-stylists, the critical discussion surrounding Seijun Suzuki tends to focus on his notorious dismissal from Nikkatsu studios following the release of Koroshi no raku...
Alejandro and the Academy: Anarchy and Alchemy: The Films of Alejandro Jodorowsky by Ben Cobb Margaret Barton-Fumo August 2008 Book Reviews For nearly 40 years, the Chilean-born eccentric Alejandro Jodorowsky has reaped both the disadvantages and the rewards of worldwide cult status. His first feature, Fando y Lis (Fando and Lis, 1968), premiered i...