Forms That Think: The Work of Jean-Luc Godard (Introduction) Daniel Fairfax January 2022 Forms That Think: Jean-Luc Godard On June 9, 1971, Jean-Luc Godard suffered from a sickening traffic accident, with the motorcycle that he used to zip around Paris colliding with a van. He was immediately taken to an intensive care unit, and wi...
Breathless in El Dorado Murray Pomerance January 2022 Forms That Think: Jean-Luc Godard “Landscapes, faces, and objects ask only for their own beauty, unadorned, free of pathos, like the world seen for the first time.” - Nestor Almendros The well-worn adage of hindsight being 20/20 helps ma...
Fashioning Rebellion Elliot Bloom January 2022 Forms That Think: Jean-Luc Godard Now 91 years old, Jean-Luc Godard is regarded as one of the key pioneers of the French New Wave, a revolutionary movement in cinema. While the landmark works of the nouvelle vague date back to the late 1950s an...
“Slightly Out of Focus”: The Early Work of Jean-Luc Godard and Gerhard Richter Sally Shafto January 2022 Forms That Think: Jean-Luc Godard Is an indistinct photograph a picture of a person at all? Is it even always an advantage to replace an indistinct picture by a sharp one? Isn’t the indistinct one often exactly what we need? – Ludwig Wittge...
When Godard’s Characters Leave Civilisation Behind Mariam Razmadze January 2022 Forms That Think: Jean-Luc Godard “True life is elsewhere. We are not in the world.” - Arthur Rimbaud No other director of the French New Wave has explored the theme of what we could call “elsewhereness” better than Jean-Luc Godard. While t...
Nature/Politics in Godard: Notes towards an Investigation David Fresko January 2022 Forms That Think: Jean-Luc Godard The role of nature in Godard’s films has been widely commented upon, and often with great lucidity. This is a consequence of the fact that ever since Godard “returned” to commercial filmmaking in 1979 with Sauv...
New Relations Between Forms: Luttes en Italie Daniel Fairfax January 2022 Forms That Think: Jean-Luc Godard 1. Of all the phases of Godard’s now seven-decade career in the cinema, it is his period of avowedly militantly filmmaking from 1968 to 1972, made when he explicitly identified as a Maoist and subsumed his au...
Ici et ailleurs: The Backstory Rula Shawan January 2022 Forms That Think: Jean-Luc Godard The 1960s saw turbulent political and social developments in the wake of World War II and the radical crisis generated by France's last colonial wars in Indo-China and Algeria. The ramifications of these wars c...
Jean-Luc Godard: Making Cinema on the Page Dork Zabunyan January 2022 Forms That Think: Jean-Luc Godard Jean-Luc Godard began to write for film magazines at a very young age. He was twenty years old when he published his first articles in La Gazette du cinéma, the newsletter of the Ciné-Club du Quartier Latin in ...
France Tour Détour Deux Enfants: History of a Book Volker Pantenburg January 2022 Forms That Think: Jean-Luc Godard In January 1982, a strange book was brought out by the German publisher Zweitausendeins. The title: France tour détour deux enfants / Frankreich Weg Umweg Zwei Kinder. It is an idiosyncratic adaptation of Jean-...
When Everything is Said: Eisenstein’s Stone Lion in Histoire(s) du cinema and Godardian Historiography Pablo Gonzalez Ramalho January 2022 Forms That Think: Jean-Luc Godard Among the many spiralling sequences that make Bronenosets Potemkin (Battleship Potemkin, Sergei Eisenstein, 1926) a major example of what the Soviet director achieved in terms of montage, the stone lion sequenc...
Metahistory on Video: Hollis Frampton in the Histoire(s) Giles Fielke and Ivan Cerecina January 2022 Forms That Think: Jean-Luc Godard …your proposal of any given film as a “fragment”, which I suspect you ran intuitively head-on into in the heat of discourse…well, it was suggestive to the point of vertigo, seen from the tangent of a meta-hist...
The Problem of “America” in Éloge de l’amour Hamish Ford January 2022 Forms That Think: Jean-Luc Godard The image, no longer just aurally but visually, becomes firstly a question, and secondly, a critique. – Nicole Brenez Godard is too Bazanian to commit himself to the loss of “reality”, which is replaced ...
Exploding the Sign from Within: Paradoxes of Post-Structuralist Epistemology in Adieu au Langage Patrick Kokoszynski January 2022 Forms That Think: Jean-Luc Godard “One never touches the thing itself but metaphorically.” – Jean-François Lyotard 1. In his emphatic review of Adieu au langage (Goodbye to Language, Jean-Luc Godard, 2014) Blake Williams accurately describes...
Not the animal is blind, but the human being, blinded by consciousness and incapable of seeing the world. A Note on Roxy Miéville, Star of Jean-Luc Godard’s First Animal Picture, Adieu au Langage Vinzenz Hediger January 2022 Forms That Think: Jean-Luc Godard “With all of their eyes, animals behold openness.” – Rainer Maria Rilke, The Eight Duino Elegy (trans. Alfred Corn) “The meaning of the dog is the dog.” – Andrei Tarkovski In the general excitement over...