The River James Leahy March 2009 CTEQ Annotations on Film The River (1951 USA 99 mins) Prod Co: Oriental International Film Inc. Prod: Kenneth McEldowney, Jean Renoir Dir: Jean Renoir Scr: Jean Renoir, Rumer Godden, from Godden’s novel Phot: Claude Renoir Jr., ...
Ceddo James Leahy October 2004 CTEQ Annotations on Film Ceddo (1976 Sénégal 117 mins) Source: ACMI Collections Prod Co: Filmi Doomi Reew Prod: Robert Loko Dir, Scr: Sembène Ousmane Phot: Georges Caristan, Orlando Lopez, Bara Diokhane, Seydina O. Gaye Ed: Flor...
The Only Son (Hitori Musuko) James Leahy July 2004 CTEQ Annotations on Film The Only Son (Hitori Musuko) (1936 Japan 87 mins) Source, Prod Co: Shockiku Films Prod: Den Takayama Dir: Yasujiro Ozu Scr: Tadao Ikeda, Masao Arata, based on a story by “James Maki” (Yasujiro Ozu) Phot:...
Sürü James Leahy July 2004 CTEQ Annotations on Film Sürü/The Herd (1978 Turkey 118 mins) Source: ACMI Collections Prod Co: Güney Film Dir: Zeki Ökten Scr: Yilmaz Güney Phot: Izzet Akay Ed: Özdemir Aritan Art Dir: Rauf Ozangil, Sabri Aslankara Mus: Zülfü L...
Camp de Thiaroye James Leahy October 2003 CTEQ Annotations on Film Campe de Thiaroye (1987 Senegal 153 mins) Source: NLA/ACMI Prod Co: ENAPROC/Films Domireew/Films Kajoor/SATPEC/Sociéte Nouvelle Pathé Cinéma Prod: Mustafa Ben Jemia, Ouzid Dahmane, Mamadou Mbengue Dir: O...
They Caught the Ferry James Leahy October 2003 CTEQ Annotations on Film They Caught the Ferry (De Næde Færgen, 1948 Denmark 12 mins) Source: NLA/ACMI Prod Co: Dansk Kulturfilm for Ministeriernes Filmudvalg Dir: Carl Theodor Dreyer Scr: Dreyer based on Johanees V. Jensen's story ...
Tilaï James Leahy October 2003 CTEQ Annotations on Film Tilaï (1990 81 mins) Source: NLA/ACMI Prod Co: Films de l'Avenir/Rhea Films/Waka Films Prod: Béatrice Korc, Idrissa Ouedraogo Dir, Scr: Idrissa Ouedraogo Phot: Pierre-Laurent Chénieux, Jean Monsigny Ed: ...
Science and its Signs: An Interview with Ken McMullen James Leahy October 2003 Cinema and the Gallery McMullen's varied career has taken him from gallery art to feature filmmaking and back again. This 2001 interview focuses on his exhibited video projection Signatures, a response to the technology and ideas of modern physics.
Breathing Together: The Author in Search of Investors James Leahy July 2003 Lost Films In 1969, Hollywood exile Nicholas Ray arrived in Chicago hoping to film a radical ‘documentary.’ His collaborator recalls the era, the project and the man.
Nuit et brouillard James Leahy May 2003 CTEQ Annotations on Film Nuit et brouillard (1955 France 31 mins) Source: Goethe Institut Prod Co: Argos/Como/Cocinor Prod: Anatole Dauman, Samy Halfon, Philippe Lifchitz Dir: Alain Resnais Scr: Jean Cayrol Phot: Ghislain Cloque...
Renoir, Jean James Leahy March 2003 Great Directors b. September 15, 1894, Montmartre, Paris, France d. February 12, 1979, Beverly Hills California, U.S.A. filmography bibliography articles in Senses web resources First Movement: Polemic Renoir's fi...
Films that Make a Difference… Santiago Alvarez and the Politics of Bengal: Ciclon James Leahy December 2002 CTEQ Annotations on Film Ciclon (1963 Cuba 22 mins) Source: ACMI/NLA Prod Co: Instituto Cubano del Arte Industria Cinematograficos Filmmaker: Santiago Alvarez In December 1970, following a long period of agitation against the...
Losey Revisited James Leahy July 2002 Director: Joseph Losey Leahy introduces his 1967 piece on Blind Date, a film rich in allusion about the commodification of human relationships.