Lisandro Alonso, Mostly in His Own Words Gabe Klinger July 2005 Conversations with Filmmakers A key figure of the new Argentine cinema and director of Los Muertos talks about various aspects of his filmmaking craft.
Rocha, Glauber Gabe Klinger February 2005 Great Directors b. Glauber de Andrade Rocha b. March 14, 1939, Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, Brazil d. August 22, 1981, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil by Gabe Klinger Filmography Select Bibliography Web Resources How man...
On the Big Set Gabe Klinger November 2001 Terror, Disaster, Cinema and Reality - A Symposium Following the advice of a few New York City friends and family, I decided to walk from my 34th Street location and into the core of Lower East Manhattan during a recent trip to the Big Apple. Arriving, I fel...
Stalled Auteurism: John Carpenter’s Ghosts of Mars Gabe Klinger November 2001 Essays/on/Films Klinger reflects on Carpenter's outerspace journey.
Hope Deep Within – Béla Tarr’s Werckmeister Harmonies Gabe Klinger December 2000 Eastern European Cinema Klinger realises it's probably more fulfilling watching the films than speaking with the man.
Tiger Tanaka – Interview with Japanese Cult Director Hiroyuki “Sabu” Tanaka Gabe Klinger November 2000 Interviews Senses' youngest contributor Gabe Klinger is at it again; here he talks to Japanese filmmaker Sabu.
Above the Underground: A Report on the 7th Annual Chicago Underground Film Festival and an Interview with Guest of Honor Alejandro Jodorowsky Gabe Klinger September 2000 Festival Reports The Chicago Underground Film Festival ran from 18-24 August; Senses' Chicago-correspondent and youngest contributor Gabe Klinger provides a report.
Decoding Hou: Analyzing Structural Coincidences in The Puppetmaster Gabe Klinger July 2000 Feature Articles Hou Hsiao-hsien's starting point is humanity.