The Indian Runner Bill Craske June 2001 CTEQ Annotations on Film The Indian Runner (1991 USA 126min) 35mm Prod Co: Mount Prod: Don Phillips Dir,Scr: Sean Penn Phot: Anthony B. Richmond Ed: Jay Cassidy Art Dir: Michael Haller Mus: Jack Nitzsche Cast: David Morse, V...
The 43rd San Francisco International Film Festival – A Report Jeff Lambert June 2001 Festival Reports April 19 - May 3 2001 This year the San Francisco International Film Festival said good-bye to its creative director of 19 years, Peter Scarlet, and with that impending line-up change one couldn't help b...
St. Kilda Tales: Notes on Fifty Films Jake Wilson June 2001 Festival Reports Intro The following are various ideas and impressions from the ten screenings I attended at the 2001 St. Kilda Film Festival. It is, of course, impossible to provide 'fair' assessments of fifty or so films in ...
A Sample of the 2001 St. Kilda Film Festival Reviewed Kieran Galvin June 2001 Festival Reports Overview My first St. Kilda Film Festival was a real eye opener. I saw 89 shorts, 82 of which I review. I was buoyed by the diversity but dismayed by a pervading lack of story and substance. I'm left with an...
A Beautiful Exception: Godard’s For Ever Mozart Fergus Daly June 2001 Jean-Luc Godard - Pt 1 An exceptional re-evaluation of this dismissed Godard film.
Personal Memories: A Review of Citizen Sarris Keith Uhlich June 2001 Book Reviews This latest book pays tribute to legendary American critic Andrew Sarris.
Errol Morris’ Stairway to Heaven: An Exploration of the First Person Narrative Philippa Campey April 2001 CTEQ Annotations on Film Stairway to Heaven (1998 USA 28mins) Errol Morris' First Person series Source: Real Life Prod Co: The Globe Department Store, Scout Productions Prod: David Collins, Dorothy Aufiero, Michael Williams Exec Pr...
Que la bête meure Quentin Turnour April 2001 CTEQ Annotations on Film Que la bête meure (This Man Must Die) (1969 France 113mins) 35mm Source: CNC Prod Co: Les Films la Boétie, Rizzoli Films Prod: André Génovès Dir: Claude Chabrol Scr: Paul Gégauff from the novel by Nichol...
DVD Landmarks – The Triumph of the Archivists’ Will Geoff Gardner April 2001 DVD & Video The return of silent cinema.
The Pleasure and Pain of “Watching”: Atom Egoyan’s Exotica Girish Shambu April 2001 DVD & Video The mysterious, elegant Exotica ever clearer on DVD.
Live and Lethargic: The Original Kings of Comedy Bill Craske April 2001 Current Releases (Spike Lee, 2000) Spike Lee has never been a lyrical filmmaker. His best work (Jungle Fever , Do the Right Thing ) contains the vibrant rough-hewn energy of an angry young artist working close to familia...
Media Meltdown David Cox April 2001 Craig Baldwin The fascinating world of culture-jamming here discussed.
An Evening on Baldwin’s Mountain Dirk de Bruyn April 2001 Craig Baldwin Craig Baldwin was recently in Melbourne to spread the subversive word.
No Text / No Truth / Jouissance and Revolution: An Interview with Craig Baldwin Jack Sargeant April 2001 Craig Baldwin Taking place before his most recent film Spectres of the Spectrum (1999), Baldwin here discusses his background, Dada, neo-colonialism and his many films.
Rod Lurie’s The Contender Mark Freeman April 2001 Current Releases Rod Lurie began his career as a writer on film for various publications in the U.S., but as with so many before him, he had an idea for a script, the desire to direct, and the image of Joan Allen as the lea...
Notes on The Conversation Megan Ratner April 2001 '70s US cinema Twining cinematic 'allusionism' and cultural commentary.
The Cinema of Wong Kar-wai – A ‘Writing Game’ Various April 2001 Wong Kar-wai A collage of reflections by fans, critics and writers from around the globe.
Les Enfants du Paradis Girish Shambu February 2001 CTEQ Annotations on Film Les Enfants du Paradis (1945 France 195 mins) Source: Potential Films Prod Co: Pathé Prod: Raymond Borderie Dir: Marcel Carné Scr: Jacques Prévert Ph: Roger Hubert Ed: Henri Rust Art Dir: Alexander Traun...
Floating Life: The Heaviness of Moving Stephen Teo February 2001 Director: Clara Law Another meditation on migration, but this time also sketching a possible Asian-Australian cinema.
Mallboy Jake Wilson February 2001 Contemporary Australian Film A sensitive account of this recent Australian film.
The Country of Movies: An Interview with Dusan Makavejev Ray Privett December 2000 Eastern European Cinema Always a step ahead with his ingenious and subversive dismantling of political icons, Privett gets closer to the great Makavejev.
Taboo Serbia: An Interview with Janko Baljak Boris Trbic December 2000 Eastern European Cinema Trbic speaks to a filmmaker at the heart of Serbia's independent documentary scene.
Video: Ten Gems From The $3 Weekly Shelves John C. Murray December 2000 Feature Articles Murray's video recommendations.
The Three Musketeers Michael Koller November 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film The Three Musketeers (1921 USA 139mins) Source: CAC Prod Co: Fairbanks/United Artists Prod: Douglas Fairbanks Dir: Fred Niblo Scr: Edward Knoblock, Lotta Woods Phot: Arthur Edeson Ed: Nellie Mason Art Di...
Interview with Kal Ng Liu Xuan November 2000 Interviews Hong Kong independent filmmaker Kal Ng talks about working in Hong Kong.
Better than Good – A Tribute to Joseph H. Lewis William D. Routt November 2000 Joseph H. Lewis - A Tribute The ultimate compilation: A rich tapestry of criticism, quotations and anecdotes, over the last 50 years, on Lewis and his films.
Hong Kong Cinema Books Reviewed Steve Erickson September 2000 Book Reviews Steve Erickson reviews two important books that begin the task of documenting and analysing this dynamic cinema: David Bordwell's Planet Hong Kong and John Charles' The Hong Kong Filmography, 1977-1997.
The Surreal Feel: Luis Buñuel Various July 2000 Festival Reports Various appreciations (including by M. C. Zenner and Acquarello) of the genius of Buñuel.
Spotlight on 49th Melbourne International Film Festival: Daily Reports: Part 2 Various July 2000 Festival Reports Compiled by Bill Mousoulis Reports posted between Thursday July 20 and Saturday July 29 Posted Saturday July 29 (Of Women and Magic, Branded to Kill, Sensitive New Age Killer) Posted Friday July 28 (A...
47th Sydney Film Festival: Errol Morris and the New Documentary John Conomos July 2000 Festival Reports During the last decade or so, there has been a dramatic interest in the documentary film and video, particularly in the postmodern documentary form as it applies to both theory and production. For too long th...
Approaches to African Cinema Study Martin Mhando July 2000 Film Criticism How has African cinema been approached?
A Tale of Sound and Fury: Manpower John Flaus June 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film, John Flaus Dossier An intriguing discussion of Raoul Walsh's Manpower.
19th International Istanbul Film Festival Hasan Ergen Özay May 2000 Festival Reports Held between 15 - 30 April, Hasan Özay saw 37 of the films on offer, and offers a paragraph review on every one of them. He revelled in the retrospective sessions (Bresson, Loach) but also discovered one of the new films to be "one of the best movies of all time".
Drella and the MacGuffin Michael Eaton May 2000 Conference: For the Love of Fear Alfred Hitchcock meets Andy Warhol and both get out of the encounter alive - just. * * * Extracts from this script were read at the Alfred Hitchcock conference For the Love of Fear convened by the Museum of C...
La Passion de Jeanne d’Arc Michael Koller April 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc (The Passion Of Joan Of Arc) (1927, France, 90 mins) Source: Vigo Films Prod. Co: Société Générale de Films, Paris Dir: Carl Theodor Dreyer Scr: Dreyer, Joseph Delteil based on the...
Permanent Ghosts: Cinephilia in the Age of the Internet and Video: Essay 5 Bryant Frazer April 2000 Cinephilia Special Feature (Part II) Like Theo, I participate in the mourning of the American repertory circuit from somewhat of a remove. Basically, I never had a repertory cinema while growing up (although I did experience one vicariously by wat...