Workers Leaving the Factory Harun Farocki July 2002 Harun Farocki Here Farocki discusses his film Workers Leaving the Factory, which brings together wide-ranging archival footage, and raises important issues on the cinema, the workplace and politics.
Harun Farocki – Biography, Filmography, Exhibitions and Retrospectives Farocki-Filmproduktion July 2002 Harun Farocki Biography 1944 Born in Neutitschein, in what was then part of the German-annexed Czechoslovakia 1966-68 Studied at the Deutsche Film and Fernsehakademie, Berlin 1968 Birth of daughters, Annabel Lee und...
Introduction: Harun Farocki Thomas Elsaesser July 2002 Harun Farocki Overview and discussion of long-time German-based filmmaker and artist, Farocki, who has emerged to occupy a unique place in film history.
Painting Pavements Volker Siebel July 2002 Harun Farocki From his work in the fiction mode to documentary to installion, Farocki has consistenly explored ideas of language, ideology, perception, and contemporary audio-visual culture.
Passage along the Shadow-Line: Farocki and Others – Approaching a Certain Filmkritik-style Olaf Möller July 2002 Harun Farocki Möller affectionately discusses the films, writing and philosophy of the cineastes who wrote for German film magazine, Filmkritik, a culture or 'movement' strong enough to rival Cahiers.
The Green of the Grass: Harun Farocki in Filmkritik Rainer Knepperges July 2002 Harun Farocki A montage of pithy and revealing quotes from Farocki's writings in Filmkritik.
Image(circum)volution: On the Installation Schnittstelle (Interface) Christa Blümlinger July 2002 Harun Farocki In his installation work, provocatively discussed here, Farocki continues his investigation into questions of the image, montage, and ways of seeing.
Nine Minutes in the Yard: A Conversation with Harun Farocki Rembert Hüser July 2002 Harun Farocki Farocki discusses a range of topics in this lengthy interview from Hollywood remakes to his filmmaking, with particular emphasis on his installation work I Thought I Was Seeing Convicts.