What My Fingers Knew: The Cinesthetic Subject, or Vision in the Flesh Vivian Sobchack April 2000 Special Effects/Special Affects: Technologies of the Screen - A Symposium This is a chapter from a forthcoming book of collected essays by Vivian Sobchack. It shares ideas with a paper given at the Special Effects/Special Affects: Technologies of the Screen symposium held at the Univ...
Optimal Viewing Distance – Memory as Telaesthesia James Verdon April 2000 Special Effects/Special Affects: Technologies of the Screen - A Symposium This paper was given at the Special Effects/Special Affects: Technologies of the Screen symposium held at the University of Melbourne, 25/3/2000. * * * The electronic viewing screen is re-presentational t...
This Wounded Cinema, This Wounded Life Gabrielle Murray April 2000 Special Effects/Special Affects: Technologies of the Screen - A Symposium This paper was given at the Special Effects/Special Affects: Technologies of the Screen symposium held at the University of Melbourne, 25/3/2000. * * * I would like to preface this paper by noting how my thin...
Baroque Perceptual Regimes Angela Ndalianis April 2000 Special Effects/Special Affects: Technologies of the Screen - A Symposium This paper was given at the Special Effects/Special Affects: Technologies of the Screen symposium held at the University of Melbourne, 25/3/2000. * * * We tend to view the digitally driven effects of contempo...
Things Analog and Digital Patrick Crogan April 2000 Special Effects/Special Affects: Technologies of the Screen - A Symposium This paper was given at the Special Effects/Special Affects: Technologies of the Screen symposium held at the University of Melbourne, 25/3/2000. * * * Introduction This paper comes from the intertwining o...
What Self is This? Bronwyn Morkham April 2000 Special Effects/Special Affects: Technologies of the Screen - A Symposium This paper was given at the Special Effects/Special Affects: Technologies of the Screen symposium held at the University of Melbourne, 25/3/2000. * * * Confounding the pundits, cinema continues to draw audien...