The Shock of the Old: The ‘Documentary’ Fiction Film Moment with COVID-19 Djoymi Baker July 2020 Cinema in the Age of COVID The current pandemic has not only prompted revived interest in viral dystopian films, but also inflects the way we engage with even the most mundane filmic images. David Edelstein reflects, “the other day I swe...
Solitary Cinéastes: Filmmakers and Filmmaking in Isolation Martyn Bamber July 2020 Cinema in the Age of COVID “A repetition of identical days, the only variant of which is the cinephile menu”. – Ne croyez surtout pas que je hurle (Just Don't Think I'll Scream, Frank Beauvais, 2019) “Si les temps sont durs et mauvais...
Cinephilia in Quarantine Katherine Connell July 2020 Cinema in the Age of COVID Like most people, the pandemic has meant I spend more time online. I’ve found Twitter to be a great resource: the feeds of many writers and cinephiles have come to function as intimate COVID viewing records tha...
Corona Experimental Film Culture Gwendolyn Audrey Foster July 2020 Cinema in the Age of COVID While it’s impossible to say when film theatres will reopen, on the bright side, it has been both exciting and humbling to be involved in the rapid evolution of streaming platforms to accommodate radical experi...
Two Bags of Doritos Michael Robinson July 2020 Cinema in the Age of COVID I have two bags of Doritos in my basement. On the first, Gal Gadot stands face front in a medium shot as Wonder Woman, her new golden winged armour resplendent against the traditional red background of the N...
Domestic Gestures: Revisiting Jeanne Dielman in Social Isolation Alexandra Trnka July 2020 Cinema in the Age of COVID Morning is a stray thread from which the rest of the day unravels. Before Covid-19 social isolation began, I prevented this reckless unravelling by leaving my apartment each day before noon. This rule prevented...
Film in the Age of COVID Fiona Villella July 2020 Cinema in the Age of COVID Occasionally throughout isolation, I’ve experienced that moment when two seemingly disparate films ‘talk’ to each other. Recently, I watched Midsommar (Ari Aster, 2019) and The Virgin Spring (Ingmar Bergman, 19...
The New Normal webmaster July 2020 Cinema in the Age of COVID Reading the surfeit of post-COVID commentary written over the past few months, a common refrain emerges: even when the coronavirus pandemic is brought under control and a workable vaccine is developed, the thou...
Remains to be Streamed Kristy Matheson July 2020 Cinema in the Age of COVID Reading Tara Judah’s latest dispatch for Ubiquarian I was struck by this line: “what happens to the world when it is at our fingertips and eyeballs but nowhere else in our bodies?” With so many people facing ge...
Reevaluating Hollywood History in Lockdown Robert Koehler July 2020 Cinema in the Age of COVID During this strange period of lockdown, I’ve divided my time between writing, reading, exercise, goofy time with my wife, following the daily news Horrorshow, and watching movies on Turner Classic Movies – main...
Film in Lockdown Wheeler Winston Dixon July 2020 Cinema in the Age of COVID It’s been an interesting experience, to say the least. I’ve spent most of my time making movies, rather than watching them, as you can see here, and participating in online film festivals, Zoom sessions and the...