Contexts in which to Place They’re a Weird Mob and into which You Might Never Have Placed it Before Quentin Turnour July 2005 CTEQ Annotations on Film This article was originally published in Cteq: Annotations on Film when it was a supplement of Metro 111, 1997. It has been slightly revised. They're A Weird Mob (1966 Australia/UK 112 mins) Source: N...
Flashing Spikes Quentin Turnour April 2004 CTEQ Annotations on Film Alcoa Premiere Theatre: Flashing Spikes (1962 USA 53 mins) Source: PC Prod Co: Avista Productions/Revue Dir: John Ford Scr: Jameson Brewer, from the novel by Frank O'Rouke Phot: William H. Clothier Art D...
John Ford: Other Directions Quentin Turnour April 2004 CTEQ Annotations on Film The curatorial mission of the season, John Ford: Other Directions is, probably, one of old-fashioned Andrew Sarris-ite auteurism. Amongst Sarris' famous A-list of American auteurs, Ford is the archetype tha...
Witchfinder General Quentin Turnour April 2004 CTEQ Annotations on Film Witchfinder General/The Conqueror Worm (1968 Britain 88 mins) Source: Sharmill Films Prod Co: Tigon Prod: Arnold L. Miller, Louis Heyward Dir: Michael Reeves Scr: Michael Reeves, Tom Baker Phot: Johnny C...
Giorgio Quentin Turnour June 2001 Giorgio Mangiamele - A Tribute Interview with and analysis of Mangiamele's career.
Que la bête meure Quentin Turnour April 2001 CTEQ Annotations on Film Que la bête meure (This Man Must Die) (1969 France 113mins) 35mm Source: CNC Prod Co: Les Films la Boétie, Rizzoli Films Prod: André Génovès Dir: Claude Chabrol Scr: Paul Gégauff from the novel by Nichol...
The Boston Strangler Quentin Turnour November 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film The Boston Strangler (USA, 1968, 116 mins) Source: ScreenSound Australia Prod Co: 20th Century-Fox Prod: Richard Fryer Director: Richard Fleischer Scr: Edward Anhalt Ph: Richard Kline Art Dir: Jack Marti...
Work Never Done: Australian Women Filmworkers from the 1930s to 1970s Quentin Turnour July 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film Presented in association with ScreenSound Australia, with the support of Film Australia and the ABC Archives. Further details on this program will be included with program notes available at the time of screen...
In the Waiting Room: John Huston’s Let There Be Light Quentin Turnour May 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film Let There Be Light (1946 USA 58 mins) Source: NLA/Cinemedia Prod Co: U.S. Army Signal Corp Pictorial Service Dir: John Huston Scr: John Huston, Charles Kaufman Photo: Stanley Cortez, John Huston, John Dor...