The Pace, Rhythm and Rules of the Game: They All Lie (Todos Mienten) Ioana-Lucia Demczuk April 2015 CTEQ Annotations on Film A summer house in the country, a group of friends rehearsing a play, and an intricate web of lies and deception – this is the premise of Matías Piñeiro’s second feature film They All Lie (Todos Mienten). The fr...
Three Resurrected Drunkards Ioana-Lucia Demczuk June 2014 CTEQ Annotations on Film What better way to disguise one’s anger with the current political situation than through what looks like a quirky, yet poignant comedy? Yet, what starts off as a weird but funny film about three students mucki...
L’Etrange Monsieur Victor Ioana-Lucia Demczuk November 2013 CTEQ Annotations on Film Jean Grémillon’s L’Étrange Monsieur Victor (1938) tells the story of a Toulon shopkeeper living a double life. Grémillon started his career as a musician and came to Paris to study. He began performing in orche...
Bells From the Deep: Faith and Superstition in Russia Ioana-Lucia Demczuk May 2013 CTEQ Annotations on Film In the establishing shot of Werner Herzog’s Glocken aus der Tiefe: Glaube und Aberglaube in Rußland (Bells From the Deep: Faith and Superstition in Russia, 1993), two people are seen to be dragging themselves o...