Les Diaboliques Pedro Blas Gonzalez November 2011 CTEQ Annotations on Film Les Diaboliques (1955) is a tale of cold-blooded, calculated murder and suspense. Murder and suspense are always billed together in this kind of film, however, in the case of Les Diaboliques, this is equivalent...
Quai des Orfèvres David Sanjek November 2011 CTEQ Annotations on Film During the course of a conversation in the crime drama Quai des Orfèvres (1947) between the photographer Dora Monier (Simone Renant) and the investigator Antoine (Louis Jouvet), he discourses upon how the demar...
Le Corbeau Tony Williams November 2011 CTEQ Annotations on Film As Alan Williams notes, “Le Corbeau is an essential work for world film history, if only because its meanings are still being debated” (1). Filmed during the Occupation by the German controlled Continental Film...
L’enfer d’Henri-Georges Clouzot Darragh O’Donoghue November 2011 CTEQ Annotations on Film The idea of the lost or broken film is central to cinephilia, but its implications are ambiguous. On the one hand, it allows the film lover to construct a neo-Platonic ideal of the perfect film. However, such d...
Le Mystère Picasso Wheeler Winston Dixon November 2011 CTEQ Annotations on Film At first glance, it might seem that a film about Picasso should have been directed by anyone other than Henri-Georges Clouzot, the famous misanthrope of the cinema. But then again, both were hard, violent men, ...
The Wages of Fear Murray Pomerance November 2011 CTEQ Annotations on Film “Let me tell you the story”, Henri-Georges Clouzot appears to be offering in Le Salaire de la peur (The Wages of Fear, 1953), “of four strange men. Four lonely men, and their intertwined fate.” Not friends as m...
The Wages of Fear Jonathan Dawson November 2011 CTEQ Annotations on Film “You don’t know what fear is. But you’ll see. It’s catching. It’s catching like smallpox. And once you get it, it’s for life.” - Dick in Le Salaire de la peur (The Wages of Fear) The Wages of Fear is a 19...
Clouzot, Henri-Georges Fiona Watson July 2005 Great Directors b. November 20, 1907, Niort, France d. January 12, 1977, Paris, France Filmography Select Bibliography Web Resources Darkness Visible You think that people are all good or all bad. You think that go...