Welcome to Issue 6 of our monthly journal! the editors May 2000 Editorial In this issue we feature articles on two highly distinctive auteurs, Brian De Palma and François Truffaut. A career ranging from the late '60s to the present day and a body of work so vast and ...
Dogs in Hell: No Exit Revisited Thomas Beltzer May 2000 Feature Articles An essay which draws parallels between Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs and Jean-Paul Sartre's play No Exit.
Ripley Games Geoff Gardner May 2000 Feature Articles Geoff Gardner traces Patricia Highsmith's Tom Ripley character's screen incarnations through the films Plein Soleil (1959) and The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999).
Akerman Resists Southern Comfort Rose Capp May 2000 Feature Articles A couple of years back, Belgian filmmaker Chantal Akerman found herself deep in the American South, and events unfolded which demanded her instant attention. The result was this unusual film, South.
8th Greek Film Festival Vicky Tsaconas and Bill Mousoulis May 2000 Festival Reports This festival was held recently in Melbourne, and featured a dozen new features from Greece. Two reports filed here.
19th International Istanbul Film Festival Hasan Ergen Özay May 2000 Festival Reports Held between 15 - 30 April, Hasan Özay saw 37 of the films on offer, and offers a paragraph review on every one of them. He revelled in the retrospective sessions (Bresson, Loach) but also discovered one of the new films to be "one of the best movies of all time".
Dirty Harry Rick Thompson May 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film Dirty Harry (1971, USA, 102 mins) Source: Warner Bros. Prod Co: A Malpaso Company Production/A Warner Brothers Release Prod, Dir: Don Siegel Sc...
Ghost in the Shell Jordan Wynnychuk May 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film Kokaku Kidotai (Ghost in the Shell, Japan 1995, 83 mins) Dir: Mamoru Oshii Scr: Kazunori Itô, Masamune Shirow (comic) Mus: Kenji Kawai Photography: H...
Pete Kelly’s Blues John Flaus May 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film, John Flaus Dossier Pete Kelly's Blues (1955 USA 95 mins) Source: ScreenSound Australia/Warner Bros. Prod Co: Warner Bros. Prod, Dir: Jack Webb Scr: Richard Breen Pho...
Frank Beyer Leonie Naughton May 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film Along with Heiner Carow and Konrad Wolf, Frank Beyer is one of the German Democratic Republic's most famous directors. In contrast to many others who ...
In the Waiting Room: John Huston’s Let There Be Light Quentin Turnour May 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film Let There Be Light (1946 USA 58 mins) Source: NLA/Cinemedia Prod Co: U.S. Army Signal Corp Pictorial Service Dir: John Huston Scr: John Huston, ...
Tongues Untied Alex Castro May 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film Tongues Untied (1989 USA 55 mins) Source: CAC Prod. Co: MTR Production Prod, Dir, Phot, Ed: Marlon Riggs Scr: Riggs, Essex Hemphill Identities...
Melancholy and Euphoria in the Fairytale: Peau D’âne Fiona Villella May 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film Peau D'âne (Donkey Skin, 1970, France 90 mins) Source: CAC Prod. Co: Mag Bodard, Marianne Dir, Scr: Jacques Demy from Charles Perrault's fairy tale P...
Don’t Look Back: Come and See Adrian Danks May 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film Come and See (1985 Soviet Union 142 mins) Source: AFTRS Prod, Dir: Elem Klimov Scr: Klimov and Ales Adamovich Phot: Alexei Rodionov Mus: O. Yanchen...
Pete Kelly’s Blues John Flaus May 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film, John Flaus Dossier Pete Kelly's Blues (1955 USA 95 mins) Source: ScreenSound Australia/Warner Bros. Prod Co: Warner Bros. Prod, Dir: Jack Webb Scr: Richard Breen Pho...
The Key to De Palma’s Raising Cain Dmetri Kakmi May 2000 Brian De Palma An illuminating discussion of this often critically neglected De Palma film.
A Revelation: Carlito’s Way Various May 2000 Brian De Palma Voted the best film of the '90s by Cahiers du Cinéma critics, Carlito's Way is De Palma at his finest. Here is a collage of "impressions" of the film written by fans from around the globe.
Truffaut’s The 400 Blows, or the Sea, Antoine, the Sea… John Conomos May 2000 François Truffaut An appreciation of Truffaut the auteur, and especially of his debut film, which launched the career of Jean-Pierre Léaud.
Death in France: Liebestod and The Green Room Acquarello May 2000 François Truffaut Twenty years after his debut, Truffaut made this dark and melancholic film, and cast himself in the main role.
Vectoral Cinema McKenzie Wark May 2000 Conference: For the Love of Fear This paper was presented at the Alfred Hitchcock conference For the Love of Fear convened by the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, held from 31 ...
Between Heads: Thoughts on the Merry Widow Tune in Shadow of a Doubt Patrick Crogan May 2000 Conference: For the Love of Fear This paper was presented at the Alfred Hitchcock conference For the Love of Fear convened by the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, held from 31 ...
Modernity: A Film by Alfred Hitchcock Peter J. Hutchings May 2000 Conference: For the Love of Fear This paper was presented at the Alfred Hitchcock conference For the Love of Fear convened by the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, held from 31...
Cutting the Flow: Thinking Psycho Bill Schaffer May 2000 Conference: For the Love of Fear This paper was presented at the Alfred Hitchcock conference For the Love of Fear convened by the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, held from 31 ...
The Parted Eye: Spellbound and Psychoanalysis David Boyd May 2000 Conference: For the Love of Fear This paper was presented at the Alfred Hitchcock conference For the Love of Fear convened by the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, held from 31 ...
The Vertigo of Time John Conomos May 2000 Conference: For the Love of Fear This paper was presented at the Alfred Hitchcock conference For the Love of Fear convened by the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, held from 31 ...
Drella and the MacGuffin Michael Eaton May 2000 Conference: For the Love of Fear Alfred Hitchcock meets Andy Warhol and both get out of the encounter alive - just. * * * Extracts from this script were read at the Alfred Hitchcock...
Jeune, dure et pure ! A history of avant-garde and experimental film in France: an introduction Nicole Brenez and Christian Lebrat May 2000 Retrospective: Jeune, dure et pure ! These essays are included in the catalogue for Jeune, dure et pure ! Une histoire du cinéma d'avant-garde et expérimental en France, sous la directio...
Intense Materialism: Too Soon, Too Late Jonathan Rosenbaum May 2000 Retrospective: Jeune, dure et pure ! This essay is included in the catalogue for Jeune, dure et pure ! Une histoire du cinéma d'avant-garde et expérimental en France, sous la direction de...
Guy Fihman’s Ultrarouge – Infraviolet Fred Camper May 2000 Retrospective: Jeune, dure et pure ! This essay is included in the catalogue for Jeune, dure et pure ! Une histoire du cinéma d'avant-garde et expérimental en France, sous la direction de...
Le Revelateur and The Grandmother Brad Stevens May 2000 Retrospective: Jeune, dure et pure ! This essay is included in the catalogue for Jeune, dure et pure ! Une histoire du cinéma d'avant-garde et expérimental en France, sous la directio...
Jeune, dure et pure ! Une histoire du cinéma d’avant-garde et expérimental en France Senses of Cinema May 2000 Retrospective: Jeune, dure et pure ! This is the entire program, in French, of this retrospective screening at the Cinémathèque française/Mazzotta between May 3 and July 2, 2000. * * * ...