“Do you know who I am?”: Confusion and Loss in Saidin Salkic’s My Heart Bled like Niagara Falls Fiona Villella August 2024 Feature Articles The cinema of Saidin Salkic may be known to only a handful in the Melbourne film community but that’s no reflection of its complexity, inventiveness and beauty. Self-funded and entirely independent, Salkic w...
A Poetic Kind of Realism: Bill Mousoulis’ Dreams Never End (1983) Fiona Villella May 2023 CTEQ Annotations on Film In a career that spans more than 40 years and includes over 100 films, Dreams Never End was made by Bill Mousoulis just two years into his life as a filmmaker, at the end of 1983. He had already made 14 short f...
Hard Times are Over: Saidin Salkic’s The Last Days of Loneliness Fiona Villella January 2022 Feature Articles Over the last couple of years, the pandemic has forced us to consider the impact of loneliness and to consider just how important others are in our lives. Whether it be the mundane interactions we have with str...
Some notes on My Blessings Fiona Villella July 2021 Australian Autofiction As this dossier shows, there is a rich and long history of personal filmmaking in Australian independent cinema. The films that belong to this tradition are disparate in many ways, but all are sincere in their ...
Matthew Victor Pastor – An Interview Fiona Villella January 2021 Interviews Melbourne-based, independent filmmaker Matthew Victor Pastor has been making films for over ten years. His prolific output so far includes four mini-features and four features. His latest film The Neon Across t...
World Poll 2020 – Introduction Fiona Villella January 2021 World Poll With over 100 entries from cinephiles, academics, critics, programmers, and filmmakers across the globe, this year’s Senses of Cinema World Poll is a handy barometer for viewing habits and attitudes in a time o...
Spirits Soaring: Pop music in Bande de filles (2014) Fiona Villella October 2020 Pop Music in Film Belonging to a tradition of French cinema, Bande de filles (Céline Sciamma, 2014) continues that tradition’s fine balance between documentary-like realism and narrative drama. In this case, teenager Marieme (Ka...
Film in the Age of COVID Fiona Villella July 2020 Cinema in the Age of COVID Occasionally throughout isolation, I’ve experienced that moment when two seemingly disparate films ‘talk’ to each other. Recently, I watched Midsommar (Ari Aster, 2019) and The Virgin Spring (Ingmar Bergman, 19...
Wild and Precious –A Film by Bill Mousoulis Fiona Villella December 2012 Feature Articles At the centre of Wild and Precious (2012) is the character of Giulio Figurelli, an impulsive, impassioned and energetic figure. His vivid, potent, occasionally incoherent soliloquy, which opens the film, is ele...
Seeing in the Night: A Nocturne Fiona Villella March 2008 Australian Cinema Independent writer-director Bill Mousoulis’ new feature ventures into the heart of darkness and Villella finds much to appreciate in its mesmeric æsthetics.
Interview with Leah Purcell Rose Capp and Fiona Villella October 2002 Australian Women Writer, actor, and now director Leah Purcell talks to the co-editors about life, politics, talking tough to Phil Noyce and her documentary Black Chicks Talking.
The 4th Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema – An Affair to Remember Fiona Villella May 2002 Festival Reports An overview on this unique festival that defied all the odds to continue its strong reputation.
Long Road Home: Phillip Noyce’s Rabbit-Proof Fence Fiona Villella March 2002 Australian Cinema and Culture After 10 years in Hollywood, Noyce returns home to tell a uniquely Australian story.
The Work of a Festival: A Report on the 50th Melbourne International Film Festival Fiona Villella September 2001 Festival Reports Weighing up Melbourne's latest international film festival.
A Report on the 4th Cinesonic Conference Fiona Villella September 2001 Festival Reports The latest offering by the world's only conference devoted to film scores and sound design discussed.
A Cause for Celebration – A Preview of the 50th Melbourne International Film Festival Fiona Villella July 2001 Festival Reports Some highlights and a little analysis.
A Sample of the 2001 St. Kilda Film Festival Reviewed Fiona Villella June 2001 Festival Reports Introduction This year's St. Kilda Film Festival was another massive event. Whilst the bulk of its program was devoted to Australian short films, there were various side-bar and specially curated sessions in...
Materialism and Spiritualism in The Goddess of 1967 Fiona Villella April 2001 Australian Film The latest offering by this distinct filmmaker aims high.
An Interview with Jane Mills Fiona Villella April 2001 Feature Articles Mills discusses here an exciting new series of books on Australian film titled Australian Screen Classics.
Yolngu Boy Fiona Villella April 2001 Australian Film A vibrant addition to contemporary Australian film.
Notes on Tsai Ming-Liang’s The River Fiona Villella February 2001 Contemporary Asian Cinema Some general observations on a contemporary masterpiece.
The Big Ride: Almost Famous Fiona Villella February 2001 Current Releases Cameron Crowe's semi-autobiographical Almost Famous (1999) may just be one of Hollywood's most enjoyable and rewarding films of the year. For those ever touched by the rawness and energy of rock music in it...
To Be or Not to Be (a Filmmaker)? The VCA Graduate Screenings Fiona Villella December 2000 Feature Articles Fiona considers the graduating films by this year's film students.
Shadows on the Horizon: In a Lonely Place Fiona Villella November 2000 Feature Articles Walking on the wild side with Ray.
For Love or Money? The 49th Melbourne International Film Festival Reviewed Fiona Villella September 2000 Festival Reports The highs and lows of this year's blockbuster festival discussed.
The 49th Melbourne International Film Festival, or: How I Learned to Give Up Resisting, and Consume Hours and Hours of the Moving Image Fiona Villella July 2000 Festival Reports 18 days of madness - here are some tips.
Pumping Up the Volume: Cinesonic – 3rd International Conference on Film Scores and Sound Design Reviewed Fiona Villella July 2000 Festival Reports Three days of non-stop ideas, theories and experiences centred on sound in film.
Impressions of the 2000 St. Kilda Film Festival Fiona Villella June 2000 Festival Reports A discussion of what this year's festival offered and some general conclusions drawn.
A Sample of the St. Kilda Film Festival Reviewed I Fiona Villella June 2000 Festival Reports Capsule reviews and general discussion on select films screening in the Australian short film competition.
Spirituality in the 21st Century: Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai Fiona Villella June 2000 Current Releases Following on from his Dead Man, Jim Jarmusch continues on his spiritual path.
Melancholy and Euphoria in the Fairytale: Peau D’âne Fiona Villella May 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film Peau D'âne (Donkey Skin, 1970, France 90 mins) Source: CAC Prod. Co: Mag Bodard, Marianne Dir, Scr: Jacques Demy from Charles Perrault's fairy tale Phot: Ghislain Cloquet Mus: Michel Legrand Cast: Catherine D...
Magic Realism in Conte d’automne (Autumn Tale) Fiona Villella April 2000 Eric Rohmer A discussion of Rohmer's philosophy of cinematic realism, followed by a review of Autumn Tale.
Here Comes the Sun: New Ways of Seeing in Antonioni’s Zabriskie Point Fiona Villella March 2000 CTEQ Annotations on Film Zabriskie Point (1970, US, 110 mins) Dir: Michelangelo Antonioni; Producer: Carlo Ponti; Writers: Michelangelo Antonioni, Fred Garner, Sam Shepard, Tonino Guerra, Clare Peploe; Cinematography: Alfio Contini;...
Circular Narratives: Highlights of Popular Cinema in the ’90s Fiona Villella February 2000 Feature Articles A discussion of two notable films of the '90s, Pulp Fiction and Lost Highway.
Postcolonial Cinema: Chocolat Fiona Villella December 1999 French Cinema A postcolonial reading of Claire Denis' Chocolat.