Fire Within: The 60th Viennale Leonardo Goi January 2023 Festival Reports The single strangest effect the pandemic’s had on me is that I seem to have changed the way I walk. I don’t mean how I walk indoors, or at home, but how I stroll around cities, the one I live in and those I vis...
Come Together: The 59th Viennale Leonardo Goi January 2022 Festival Reports Anytime I’ve wondered about the pandemic’s impact on my relationship with cinema – a depressing exercise I’ve indulged in far too often over these godforsaken two years – it’s the changes in how I watch films I...
Ghost Cities: The 58th Viennale Leonardo Goi January 2021 Festival Reports Legally speaking, I wasn’t sure if the trip would amount to trouble. I’d read the news, and made a few calls, and checked online. The website of the Italian embassy in Vienna said the border between the two cou...
Lest We Forget: the 31st FID Marseille Leonardo Goi October 2020 Festival Reports Are you ready to attend the first “real” festival post COVID-19? The invite came in early July, four and a half months since my last memory from the festival circuit, a late-night Berlinale screening of Song Fa...
Closer Than Ever? The 1st Long Distance Film Festival Leonardo Goi July 2020 Festival Reports For all the festivals forced to cancel their yearly rendezvous in response to the COVID pandemic, there’s a tiny contingent that have blossomed under it, digital safe havens put together in the midst of the apo...
Learning to Breathe: A Conversation with Joanna Hogg Leonardo Goi April 2020 Conversations with Filmmakers Across the Globe “She hasn’t had anything since breakfast,” a publicist warns me, nodding at the lady nibbling on a salad and chatting with a journalist a few tables across from mine. “And she has to run to her Q&A in about...
A Festival is a Space in Time: the 60th Thessaloniki International Film Festival Leonardo Goi April 2020 Festival Reports As I type these words, a few months after leaving the 60th Thessaloniki International Film Festival (TIFF), I don’t exactly know when the next fest will be. Stranded in quarantine in the north of Italy as the C...
The Year of the (Re-)Discovery: A Conversation with Luis López Carrasco Leonardo Goi April 2020 Conversations with Filmmakers Across the Globe “I think cinema has helped me turn sadness into anger. But this is not an angry picture.” From the third floor of de Doelen, Luis López Carrasco stares at the floor to ceiling windows shielding us from a storm ...
A Simple Life: Arun Karthick on Nasir Leonardo Goi April 2020 Conversations with Filmmakers Across the Globe At the young age of 27, Tamil cineaste Arun Karthick has already taken Rotterdam twice. In 2016, his debut feature The Strange Case of Shiva found a slot in the festival’s Bright Future sidebar, and followed a ...
This Is the Way the World Ends: The 10th Odesa Film Festival Leonardo Goi October 2019 Festival Reports Midway through my second year at the Odesa International Film Festival (OIFF), a curious feeling began to emerge from my screenings. To the extent that films festivals can hope to sponge up something of the moo...
“You don’t get to hate it unless you love it”: Joe Talbot and Jimmie Fails on The Last Black Man in San Francisco Leonardo Goi October 2019 Interviews Joe Talbot and Jimmie Fails met when they were kids. Legend has it that it happened in a fight, and Fails watched his soon-to-be best friend clash with some teens by the San Francisco projects he’d recently rel...
Islands in the Current: The 16th IndieLisboa Film Festival Leonardo Goi July 2019 Festival Reports I am flicking through the notes of my second year at IndieLisboa, and sensing a pattern. Writing from Portugal a year ago, I remember praising a handful of documentaries, hailing one (Donal Foreman’s The Image ...
The God of the Camera is a Coloniser: An Interview with RaMell Ross Leonardo Goi July 2019 Interviews Sitting in the dim-lit bar of Berlin’s most iconic theatre, the Volksbühne (a slab of concrete of modernist grandeur located in the heart of the former East Berlin, the Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz), RaMell Ross is wai...
Youth in motion: the 18th Transilvania International Film Festival Leonardo Goi July 2019 Festival Reports It took an open-air screening of Panos Cosmatos’ Mandy - held in the courtyard of an abandoned castle in the middle of Transylvania, and with lead actor and megastar Nicolas Cage in attendance - to make me real...
Back to the Wolf Pack: the 22nd Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival Leonardo Goi March 2019 Festival Reports “You’ve come prepared,” a member of the guest management team from the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival (PÖFF, in its Estonian acronym) giggled at my extra-large winter jacket as I stepped out of the Lennart ...
All the Feels: The 48th International Film Festival Rotterdam Leonardo Goi March 2019 Festival Reports The tote bag I picked up at the headquarters of the International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) had four fluorescent words printed on it, one for each feeling the festival’s 48th edition promised to make me ex...
New Stars, Old Dreams: The 75th Venice Film Festival Leonardo Goi December 2018 Festival Reports In the weeks leading up to the 75th Venice film festival, buzz around the festival had less to do with its stellar lineup (arguably the most promising in recent years) and more to do with the festival’s ability...
Conjuring Ghosts: The 15th IndieLisboa Leonardo Goi June 2018 Festival Reports I am interviewing Donal Foreman at the headquarters of IndieLisboa about his entry in the Portuguese extravaganza’s international competition, The Image You Missed. The chat is coming to an end – a member of th...
New Eastern Promises: The 21st Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival Leonardo Goi February 2018 Festival Reports “It’s called Black Nights for a reason,” previous attendees of the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival had warned me on my way to Estonia. Named after the darkness that takes the Baltic capital hostage toward th...