If you’re here, it’s because you are already a great supporter of Senses of Cinema and you’d like to know how to contribute more – thank you!

Senses of Cinema has recently joined the Patreon fundraising platform and we would love you to become part of our Patreon community. Your Patreon subscription means that Senses can sustain itself and continue to publish timely, accessible and eclectic high-calibre writing on cinema and screen culture.

At the entry level, your subscription will help us cover basic costs associated with publishing four quality issues per year, plus our bonus World Poll edition, and see endless love and gratitude coming your way. For a Few Dollars More… you’ll help us with key website upgrades and enable us to pay some people at good rates for their hard work plus you’ll get a heap of additional stuff, from e-Zines to bonus podcast material!

But the perks aren’t really what our Patreon is about. You want to help Senses of Cinema continue to thrive and grow, and we want to reward you for that. Thank you for supporting us!

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What is Senses of Cinema?

Senses is an innovative, online film journal that has set the standard for professional, high quality analysis and debate on international film and screen culture since we launched almost 20 years ago. We’re one of the longest-running online film journals in the world – but we’ve come a long way since dial-up!

We publish 4 issues per year, and each issue includes a fresh selection of feature articles, film festival reports from all over the world, book reviews and special dossiers (such as the first English language collection of essays on Berlin School filmmaker Christian Petzold, new writings and interviews with late iconic Hollywood Western director Budd Boetticher, and our Twin Peaks extravaganza) — by some of the best film writers across the globe. To date, we’ve published over 2000 articles, which you can access totally for FREE.

We take film seriously, and our editorial team are Grandmasters of cinematic culture. They are: Michelle Carey (Artistic Director of the Melbourne International Film Festival and 2017 recipient of the Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters), Daniel Fairfax (a writer and academic who recently completed his doctorate at Yale); Mark Freeman (a film writer and lecturer at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia); Alexandra Heller-Nicholas (an award-winning film critic and author of five books on cult film), and David Heslin (film critic and editor of Australia’s Screen

We want to be able to support ourselves and make Senses of Cinema sustainable so that film lovers from all over the world can continue to access our immense archive of writing on film. We do everything we can to keep costs low, but we still need to pay basic costs to keep the journal running. Sadly, it’s become increasingly difficult to find funding for film criticism and online publishing. But, rather than introducing a paywall, we’re reaching out to you, our lovely readers, to ask you to make a voluntary contribution. We hope you do. And if you do, you get bonus stuff!

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Goal 1: Help us stay online: we need $1500 per month to cover basic publishing costs

We always try to keep our costs as low as possible, but in order to publish each issue of the journal we do need to pay for some crucial things. $1500 per month will cover the basic costs associated with publishing 4 issues per year – covering web hosting and maintenance, very modest honoraria for our editorial team and webmaster, and the cost of sending emails so that we can keep bringing you the great content you’ve come to expect from us.

Goal 2: Help us fix the website: we need $2500 per month to upgrade our website and employ a part-time Development Manager

As well as covering basic costs, for $2500 per month we’ll be able to provide our website with some much needed love and care, so that it can continue to function optimally into the future. We’ll also be able to fund a modest increase in staffing levels, employing a part-time person to help manage fundraising campaigns like this one and develop long-term donor relations, as well as ensuring an honorarium for long term volunteers like our technical producer for the podcast.

Goal 3: Help us pay our amazing writers: we need $3000 per month to pay them for their hard work

If we can raise $3000 per month, we’ll be able to realise a long-held goal to start paying our wonderful, talented writers. Our plan is to establish a Writers Fund for this purpose, and to offer writers a standard honorarium based on the health of the fund. In this way, we’ll be able to offer payment in a sustainable fashion to ensure our writers receive some recompense for the incredible work they do for us, but without putting the journal at risk if support levels dip and dive.

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