Timeless or Timely – The Perils of Editing a Queer Film Classics Series: Word is Out by Greg Youmans; Montreal Main by Thomas Waugh and Jason Garrison; Zero Patience by Susan Knabe and Wendy Gay Pearson Marcin Wisniewski March 2012 Book Reviews I imagine editing a book series is somewhat akin to curating an art show or even a film retrospective: in all three cases the curators/editors need to present works tied together with a thematic thread. For the...
Addressing the Political to the Personal: Reframing Bodies: AIDS, Bearing Witness, and the Queer Moving Image by Roger Hallas Joseph S. Valle March 2012 Book Reviews As film scholar Jane Gaines notes in her groundbreaking article “Political Mimesis” (1), documentaries have a reputation for being a catalyst for social change, yet so few have actually succeeded in generating ...
A Soul Nourishing Pilgrimage: The 35th Frameline San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival Stuart Richards October 2011 Festival Reports Frameline is a film festival that is flourishing alongside the dramatic changes in queer and LGBT identity politics. The larger, more prominent screenings occur in the Castro neighbourhood, which is famed for b...
A Girl’s Own Adventure, or Something – but Not the Same Thing – for Everyone: The 19th Melbourne Queer Film Festival Cerise Howard July 2009 Festival Reports 18-29 March 2009 (1) In 2009, the Melbourne Queer Film Festival (MQFF) can – and does – still boast of being the second biggest film festival in Melbourne, quite an accomplishment in a city where, barrin...