Être et avoir: The Medium and the Moment Shari Kizirian October 2011 CTEQ Annotations on Film It’s great to have an excuse to re-watch a fondly remembered film. Repeated viewings can deepen our appreciation as favourite moments are relived, high points relished, previously overlooked nuances, connection...
Retour en Normandie Darragh O’Donoghue October 2011 CTEQ Annotations on Film Memory is also found brilliantly manifested in a large number of madmen. - Dr. Vastel (1) In 1991, documentary film student Alison Millar recorded life in the home of of Fr Michael Cleary, Ireland’s “Singing ...
In the Land of the Deaf Martyn Bamber October 2011 CTEQ Annotations on Film The film starts in virtual silence. There is no music or dialogue, and the only sound we hear is some faint background noise. We see four people standing before some music stands and gesturing at each other in ...
“The Raw and the Cooked”: The Peculiar Poetics of Nicolas Philibert’s Un animal, des animaux Adrian Danks October 2011 CTEQ Annotations on Film Filmed between 1991 and 1994, Nicolas Philibert’s Un animal, des animaux is a gently extraordinary documentary that follows the refurbishment and eventual reopening of the Zoology Gallery of Paris’ Le Muséum Na...
Nénette Louise Sheedy October 2011 CTEQ Annotations on Film The film is as much about ourselves as it is about orang-utans . Nénette is a mystery. We don't know what she thinks or if she thinks at all… She is a receptacle for our fantasies. She is a projection screen… T...