Daze of the Rabblement: Early Film Comedy and Some Modernists Darragh O’Donoghue October 2004 Comedy and Perception How the 1920s experiments of René Clair, Eisenstein and others look back to the marvels and gags of early cinema.
The Narrative-Machine: Buster Keaton’s Cinematic Comedy, Deleuze’s Recursion Function and the Operational Aesthetic Lisa Trahair October 2004 Comedy and Perception To incorporate his chain-reaction gags into a longer narrative, Keaton invented a distinctive form of “comic epic”.
Sight Gags and Satire in the Soviet Thaw: Operation Y and Other Shurik’s Adventures Saša Milić October 2004 Comedy and Perception In the hit Soviet comedy of 1965, seemingly innocuous slapstick carries a pointed political subtext.
The Comic Visualised, or Laughing at Shallow Hal Meghan Sutherland October 2004 Comedy and Perception The Farrelly brothers prove that beauty is truly “in the eye of the beholder”.
The Gag Reflex David Cairns October 2004 Comedy and Perception An award-winning comic filmmaker reveals a few tricks of the trade.
Where Can The Others Meet? Gender, Race and Film Comedy Mark Richardson October 2004 Comedy and Perception On zombies, racism, subjectivity, and the insult as an expression of love.