2007 World Poll

Read the many individual contributors’ entries that in sum total form a comprehensive global survey of the best and worst films on offer in 2007.

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2007 World Poll – Part 2

John Gianvito Antony I. Ginnane Stephen Goddard Chiranjit Goswami Kharálampos Goyós Benjamin Halligan Lee Hill Peter Hourigan Brian Hu Christoph Huber Pasquale Iannone Raine...
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2007 World Poll – Part 1

Acquarello Peg Aloi Geoff Andrew Sean Axmaker Martyn Bamber Michael Bartlett Paolo Bertolin Rochelle Boland Stephen Brower Thomas Caldwell Dan Callahan Michael Campi Ben ...
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2007 World Poll – Part 3

Ioannis Mookas Bill Mousoulis James Naremore James L. Neibaur Darragh O’Donoghue John Orr Jit Phokaew Bérénice Reynaud Marcos Ribas de Faria Peter Rist James Rose Dan Sallit...