An Ominous Shade of Crimson: Anurag Kashyap’s Gulaal Karthick Ram Manoharan May 2022 Bollywood Anurag Kashyap is Bollywood’s enfant terrible. The release of his first film Paanch (2003) was prevented by the Indian censors owing to its violent content. The film, loosely based on serial killings that happe...
Anarchist Cinema: A Dream of Resistance: The Cinema of Kobayashi Masaki by Stephen Prince Karthick Ram Manoharan January 2021 Book Reviews To the rest of the world, Japanese cinema is mostly identified with three big names – Akira Kurosawa, Yasujiro Ozu and Kenji Mizoguchi. For Japanese critics, the cinema of Ozu and Mizoguchi are considered “nati...