Issue 38


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Welcome to Issue 38 of our journal!

As expected, this current issue of Senses of Cinema contains the 2005 World Poll. As old as Senses itself, this is the sixth such edition of the ‘year in review’ poll. Inevitably, it has changed and muta...

Feature Articles

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Faozan Rizal: Landscapes of Feeling

Independent Indonesian filmmaker Faozan Rizal was the unofficial subject of a retrospective at the 2005 Singapore International Film Festival. Relatively still unknown outside the region, this article provides a welcome introduction to the poetics of Rizal’s cinema.

Festival Reports

Great Directors

Book Reviews

CTEQ Annotations on Film

Revisiting Budd Boetticher

On Movies, Musicians and Soundtracks

2005 World Poll

Australian Cinema

Nicholas Ray: Two Classics Revisited