Welcome to Issue 5 of our monthly, ever-burgeoning journal! the editors April 2000 Editorial In this issue we have a special feature on Eric Rohmer, whose film Autumn Tale opened recently in Melbourne, and, who, as it happens, just turned 80 (on April 4th). In an interview with his editor of the past 1...
Permanent Ghosts: Cinephilia in the Age of the Internet and Video – Essay 2 Theodoros Panayides March 2000 Cinephilia Special Feature I've often thought, pace the various laments for the death of cinephilia, that ours is the best generation in which to be a film-buff (I'm talking, I suppose, of people in their 20s and early 30s). Fast-forward...
Permanent Ghosts: Cinephilia in the Age of the Internet and Video – Essay 1 Steve Erickson March 2000 Cinephilia Special Feature Over the past 20 years, the terminal decline of cinema and/or cinephilia (which, for our purposes, I'll define as the desire to talk, think and/or write seriously and knowledgeably about film) has been prophesi...
Eastern Connection II Bill Mousoulis March 2000 Festival Reports Asian cinema recently has been quite extraordinary - this is a quick report on this program that toured Australia recently.
Bresson: Destinies Making Themselves in a Work of Hands – Third Part M. C. Zenner February 2000 Feature Articles Third and final instalment in a major study of the unique style and vision of French filmmaker Robert Bresson.