The Profanation of Montage: Pasolini’s Allegorical Death/Cut in the Sequence-Shot Toni Hildebrandt December 2015 The Legacy of Pier Paolo Pasolini “Can the idea of the spiritual innocence of life in the simplicity of character also be formulated collectively in relation to history?” (Eli Friedlander) Profanation and the Guilt History Early on, sacrali...
Godard after Farocki: Questions left open and questions unasked in Volker Pantenburg’s Film as Theory Toni Hildebrandt June 2015 Book Reviews “With Godard, and with Brecht, it seems to me as if they had only proclaimed a method, without having begun to work with it. In fact, even Godard issues empty proclamations, namely: this is how film could expre...
Corpi e luoghi: Harun Farocki on Pasolini Toni Hildebrandt December 2014 Feature Articles “Do you really know who I was before I met you?” (1) I met Harun Farocki in June 2014 at Princeton. Bernhard Siegert and Nikolaus Wegmann had organised a Summer School in the German Department. (2) In among th...